The Motivated Mama Podcast

Adieno Neeuq

This is a community for parents that want to be authentically themselves while looking for judgment free, genuine, and heartfelt parenting advice. read less
Kids & FamilyKids & Family


Puberty: We’re All Going Through It
Puberty: We’re All Going Through It
This is a podcast community for parents that want to be authentically themselves while looking for judgment free, genuine, and heartfelt parenting advice. We talk to other mothers and experts to get small easy steps that we can take, to help us accomplish our goals. Learn with me, as we discover ways to break patterns of unproductive behavior repeated generation after generation in our families. Tune in now!Let's Connect!Sydney Ross (Host)Instagram: you want to submit a question or if you want to be on the show, message Sydney at books: books: talk links:
Tantrums: Everything You Need To Know
Tantrums: Everything You Need To Know
Toddlers can be unpredictable. They can become upset and anxious at any time. It is best to understand the causes, avoid them, and manage them well. These tantrums are a normal part of development and learning. Join this conversation as we talk about tantrums among toddlers and effective strategies to help keep the child's temper in check and put them at ease. You will be equipped with well-designed tacts, strategies, and techniques that can improve your relationship with the child over time.Tune in!In This Episode, You Will Learn:[00:40] Today’s focus; Tantrums in toddlers[03:00] Storytime- experiencing tantrums with my son[04:40] What is a tantrum?[06:00] When do we see tantrums in a child's development[06:44] Reasons why tantrums happen in toddlers[12:21] Why do we need to understand tantrums[13:11] Can tantrums be avoided?[17:00] Steps you can take to reduce tantrums[21:50] Best ways to handle tantrums[29:30] Use tantrums to teach kids the names of emotion[31:15] Limits and boundaries in your parenting journey[33:01] Episode wrap-up and calls to action Notable Quotes“Tantrums happen in toddlers due to their inability to communicate.”“ Tantrums are an opportunity to teach the names of emotions to your toddler.”“As much as you should sympathize with your kid's tantrums, stay consistent and stand on your limits and boundaries.”“ Model the appropriate behaviours you want to see in your kids.”Let's Connect!Sydney Ross (Host)Instagram: you want to submit a question or if you want to be on the show, message Sydney at
Back Talk: How To Hold Back
Back Talk: How To Hold Back
Discipline is an important part of raising a child. It's the parent's responsibility to teach the child right from wrong and help develop their character. But what if your child back talks and you don't want to resort to hitting or yelling at them? Backtalk is a persistent problem for many parents. This type of behavior consists of challenging authority and being disrespectful. Children need to learn how to behave, and the only way for that to happen is for us parents to set boundaries and enforce them.Join this conversation and learn how you can set healthy boundaries to handle backtalk and peacefully discipline your children. It can be dealt with in a number of ways without resorting to physical or emotional punishment.Tune in!In This Episode, You Will Learn:[00:40] Episode intro and today's focus[01:33] Storytime- experiencing backtalk with my kids[03:03] What is backtalk?[06:20] Using a respectful tone when interacting with your kids[09:28] Allowing them to have some control of their lives at appropriate phases[12:33] Showing them that their opinions matter[15:47] How to handle backtalk using positive parenting[16:07] Accept their feelings while limiting their behavior[20:31] Take responsibility for your actions[21:27] Find solutions to problems together[24:25] How to prevent backtalk in the future among your kids[24:40] Model the behavior you want[25:54] Be consistent [26:55] Pick your battles[30:11] Golden nuggets from the episode and calls to action Notable Quotes“Every parent should evaluate the behaviors they have towards their children.”“The more frustrated we are when solving issues with our kids, the more negativity intensifies.”“Kids are more likely to remain faithful to solutions they participated in contributing.”“Model the appropriate behaviors you want to see in your kids.”Resources's Connect!Sydney Ross (Host)Instagram: you want to submit a question or if you want to be on the show, message Sydney at
Normalize Emotions In Children:  How To Respond To Different Feelings
Normalize Emotions In Children: How To Respond To Different Feelings
Kids aren’t happy all the time. They have a million emotions that they don’t know what to do with, how to regulate, or put words to the feelings majority of the time, but we discredit that. Children have been silenced for many years. They are not allowed to feel anything or be human beings because they are children. This is not okay. Recognizing that children have the same emotions that we’ve and giving them the right to the feeling they have is the way to create change. Just because their world is different from our world doesn’t mean their feeling doesn’t exist.Join the conversation with your host Sydney Ross as she shares how you can normalize emotions and feelings for your children, how to manage those emotions, and what we can do to help them as parents and help ourselves Tune in!In This Episode, You Will Learn:[00:01] Introduction to the show [00:48] Today’s focus: Normalizing Emotions in Children[01:24]Storytime: The Shoe with different emotions and its message[05:08] Recognizing that your kid has the same feeling as you do[07:10] How we discredit children from having feelings[08:36] Trauma and how it shows up in the way we respond to our kids' emotions[10:46] The impact of discrediting and silencing children's feelings[13:05] What to do as a parent to help your kid and yourself [23:50] How to normalize emotions and feelings for your children[28:08] Your homework and resources to help you achieve your goal [26:44] Episode wrap-up and calls to action Steps to take to Help your kids manage their emotions ●       If you feel triggered by your kid's emotions, get help and heal your inner child (13:08)●      Listen to your child and help them feel heard (14:13)●      Coregulate and practice calming strategies with them (15:55)●      Give space and time for them to come back on track (18:08)●      Take time to leave it alone (19:16)●      Problem solve; come up with the solutions to the problem (22:01)Notable Quotes●      “It’s okay for kids to have feelings.”●      “Just because something is normal does not mean it’s okay.”●      “One thing we as adults forget is that children have the same feelings as we’ve.”●      “Kids are not robots that walk around positive all the time; they have a million emotions that they don’t know what to do with them .”●      “Healing your inner child will help you help your child manage their emotions.”●      “You can’t be a great parent if you are a Jack to yourself.”●      “It’s your job as a parent to help your kids manage the things in their life, so they feel less stressed and heard.”●      “Sometimes, you just need a mental break and take a healthy...
How To Deal with Negative Grandparenting
How To Deal with Negative Grandparenting
Negative grandparenting can have a negative impact on your children’s development. It can lead to unhealthy relationships, trauma, and emotional problems in adulthood. As a parent, you should always consider the parenting your children receive from their grandparents before entrusting your child to them. If they don't respect your parenting boundaries, don't care about having a true relationship with your children, and aren’t supportive, they should not have access to your children. Negative grandparenting is becoming a norm, and that is not okay. Choose the best, and change the narrative to raise happy, healthy, and strong-willed individuals by creating a new normal for your children.Join the conversation with your host Sydney Ross as she shares how you can navigate negative grandparenting and be a positive force in your children’s lives. Learn how to fix the negative relationships and stigmas to create a motivated grandparent page in the next 20 years for the next generation. Tune in!In This Episode, You Will Learn:[00:01] Introduction to the show [00:49] Today’s focus: Negative Grandparenting  [03:40] Results from a survey on mom’s first-hand experience with grandparenting[04:55] Storytime: Sydney's positive grandparenting experience [14:33] Modern parenting and negative grandparenting attitude [17:27] Grandparents' responses to Sydney's post on grandparenting[20:18] Prioritizing relationship with grandchildren over less important things[24:11] Favoritism in grandparenting and how to deal with it [26:30] How to handle negative grandparenting to create positive relationships[28:45] Changing your narrative by healing generation traumas  [32:22] Episode wrap up and calls to action Notable Quotes“Just because something seems normal doesn't mean it is okay.”“Don’t claim the benefits of being a grandparent without putting in the work.”“If people are not positive with your children, your children shouldn’t be around them.”“Healing generation trauma is healing seven generations, so it’s worth the work.”“It is never too late to try to change and fix things.”“It is normal to be a good parent, but it isn't normal to be a good grandparent.”Let's Connect!Sydney Ross (Host)Instagram: you want to submit a question or if you want to be on the show, message Sydney at
The Fourth Trimester: More Than Baby Blues; How To Navigate  Postpartum Depression
The Fourth Trimester: More Than Baby Blues; How To Navigate Postpartum Depression
Postpartum is a very sensitive and vital time to any mom, but most of the time, people are so excited about the baby that they forget about the mother. The dramatic physical changes and the sudden drop of hormones after giving birth can lead to postpartum depression anywhere from six weeks to three years after birthing. The changes are biological, but they show up is like a diagnosis. Your body is trying to reprogram, and your mind is trying to keep up with the imbalance. What happens during postpartum is often not talked about enough, and this denies new moms the support that they need when the baby comes home.  Join the conversation with your host Sydney as she shares how you can plan your postpartum and ensure that you have all the support you need in the fourth trimester. Learn what it’s that you need to feel supported and be supported to get through the fourth trimester from people who have been there. Tune in!In This Episode, You Will Learn:[00:01] Introduction to the show [00:49] Today’s focus: The postpartum period/fourth trimester  [02:37] Storytime: Sidney’s postpartum experience [08:00] The importance of discussing how to get through the fourth trimester [09:04] Postpartum depression, when it shows up, and how long it can last [10:23] The root and the cause of postpartum depression[11:06] The difference between postpartum and the baby blues [15:59] Steps to take when you have postpartum depression [18:09] Results from a Facebook survey from moms who have gone through postpartum [28:59] How to take advantage of therapy to manage your postpartum   [31:00] Great resources available to help you in your postpartum journey[33:40] Episode wrap up and calls to action Notable Quotes“Be honest about your postpartum stress to get the help that you actually need.”“New moms in postpartum need more support and less judgment.”“Baby’s need their bond with the other partner as well, not just with moms.”“Therapy can help you manage and heal versus relying on drugs.”Let's Connect!Sydney Ross (Host)Instagram: you want to submit a question or if you want to be on the show, “message Sydney at
The Pressure Of Being A Parent When Watching Other People Parent
The Pressure Of Being A Parent When Watching Other People Parent
Being a parent can be tough when viewing social media to gauge your parenting. It can be hard to watch other parents do their thing and not feel like you’ve to do it better. Many parents post what they believe to be perfect, but the truth behind them may be extremely unpleasant. Videos and pictures don’t show you what is happening outside them. They're designed to capture the perfect moments for social media. Nobody wants to post the negative, only the good stuff. So don't pressure yourself to make everything look great. Put the phone down and be present in your kids' life. It’s not about what you give recognition for as a parent, the only judgment that matters is how your children feel about your parenting. Join the conversation with your host Sydney as she shares how you can connect, be involved, and be present in your children's life without worrying about the rest of the world. Every parent will show you their perfect side of parenting, but that doesn't mean that everything that is going on within their parenting realm is perfect. Tune in!In This Episode, You Will Learn:[00:01] Introduction to the show [00:50] Today’s focus: The pressure of being a parent when watching other people parent[03:00] Everything that glitters is not gold; normalizing your parenting pressure [04:27] First story: A mom looking at another mom’s picture-perfect day at the pool[06:24] Lessons on what we don’t see outside the pictures  [08:23] Second story: Sydney's struggles as a child and parenting experience [16:02] How to empower yourself as a parent amid social media [19:51] Staying connected and being present in your children's life[20:41] Making use of the Micky mouses to have more fun with your kid[21:04] Episode wrap up and calls to action Notable Quotes“Their cute pictures and videos don't mean that everything that is going on within their parenting realm is perfect.”“Just because people look like they have it all together doesn’t mean they got it all together.”“It’s not about what you give recognition for as a parent, the only judgment that matters is how your children feel about your parenting.”“Your connection with your children is way more important than what the rest of the world thinks about it.”Let's Connect!Sydney Ross (Host)Instagram: you want to submit a question or if you want to be on the show, “message Sydney at
The Lying Child!
The Lying Child!
Lying is normal and a natural part of a child’s development. To them, it is a simple way to fix their problems. When discussing with children and they lie, there are three questions that you should pay attention to. These are; Why do children lie? What’s normal? And how do we teach honesty to our kids? These questions help you get better at parenting.In the moments when your kids lie, use it as a way to prepare yourself from becoming overly emotional and digging deep into figuring why. Learn the reasons why kids will lie and how you can promote honesty and good morals in your child’s growth.Tune in!In This Episode, You Will Learn:[00:46] Today’s focus [01:15] Storytime- My lying daughter[04:20] Why do kids lie?[04:27] # Avoidance of doing stuff[05:44] # Because of their parent’s reaction[06:58] # Fear of disappointments[08:58] # To avoid punishments[12:53] # Societal pressures[15:01] # Because mommy and daddy does it[17:56] # Mental illness[20:38] How do we teach honesty to our kids[26:32] Episode wrap up and calls to action Notable Quotes● “It is completely normal for your children to lie.”● “When making home rules, ensure they are age appropriate.”● “Model the behavior you want to see in your children. Your kids are always watching your actions and morals.”Let's Connect!Sydney Ross (Host)Instagram: you want to submit a question or if you want to be on the show, message Sydney at
Connecting with Your Child
Connecting with Your Child
Connecting with your child is so important. This is because you will be the number one relationship they will have from conception to death. However, parenting, building relationships, and connecting with your child don’t always come naturally for everybody. This can seem to grow more and more difficult the older your children become. Join today’s conversation as we talk more about how to connect with your child, no matter their age or time. Parenting is different for everybody.Tune in!In This Episode, You Will Learn:[00:40] Today’s focus; Connecting with your child[03:23] Storytime- How connecting with my daughter has been difficult sometimes[06:44] Connecting with your kid during pregnancy through music[11:31] # Through pregnancy journal[14:03] Creating parental bonds during infancy and newborn[14:30] # Through touch[16:05] # Create a routine with your baby[18:01] # Be attentive to their cries[19:20] Toddler years[20:34] # Create fun traditions[23:18] # Engage them in play and let them win[25:53] # Be silly and let your guard down[27:00] Adolescence and teenage years[27:54] # Be the example you want to see in your kids[29:18] # “Date” your child[31:18] Key golden nuggets from the episode[35:16] Episode wrap up and calls to action Notable Quotes● “Playing with your kids gives you the opportunity to be a kid again.”● “Live the life you want to see in your children.”● “A better way to connect with your adolescent kids is to “date” them.”● “ Your kids are growing. Every step you miss in their life can be detrimental.”Let's Connect!Sydney Ross (Host)Instagram: you want to submit a question or if you want to be on the show, message Sydney at
Nurturing Individuality: Loving The Whole Child
Nurturing Individuality: Loving The Whole Child
Many children these days are more concerned with being accepted by their peers than developing their own unique talents and skills. It is important to nurture individuality in your kids. This is because it provides them the best chance of finding the right path in life and becoming individuals with unique skills and characteristics. As parents, it is necessary to provide the right opportunities for your kids so that they develop a sense of independence and creativity. Join this conversation as we talk about how to encourage your child to be an individual and what makes you uncomfortable about doing that.Tune in!In This Episode, You Will Learn:[00:49] Today’s focus; Nurturing Individuality[02:11] This week’s story; Conflicting on the choice of clothes with my daughter[10:34] Sit back and let your kids portray themselves[12:00] It is your responsibility as a parent to nurture your kids[14:18] Get engaged in your kid’s activities and hobbies[15:50] Schedule a few trips together with them[16:46] Encourage open communication[19:56] Show enthusiasm and excitement about everything with your kids[21:30] Support and cheer them up through the small achievements of life[26:10] Expose them to the experiences of life, and the things of the world[27:37] Encourage their dreams[30:18] Episode wrap up and calls to action Notable Quotes“Your biggest downfall as a parent is to force who you are on your child.”“Sometimes you have to step back and watch what your kid is portraying to be.”“Support your child’s energies and encourage them through the changes.”“You need those small wins to achieve the greater goals.”Let's Connect!Sydney Ross (Host)Instagram: you want to submit a question or if you want to be on the show, message Sydney at