5 ways to actually get clients from LinkedIn!

The Weeniecast - for ADHD entrepreneurs and neurodivergent business owners

10-05-2024 • 27 mins

Unlocking LinkedIn Success: Top Techniques to Secure Clients for ADHD Entrepreneurs

Imagine you have a remarkable product or service, yet you're floundering on LinkedIn, unable to find the right approach to attract desirable clients — watching potential business opportunities continue to bypass your profile.

It's time you stop being a "Burt" about your business propositions on LinkedIn.

Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"

Pssssst! Throughout May I'm running a one-month challenge to ramp up your social media client-attraction results. Don't miss out! Book in here - https://weeniecast.com/challenge

Now, back to the episode!

In this episode of The Weeniecast, I'm talking all about the common faux pas that could be holding you back from making LinkedIn the powerful client magnet it should be.

With my engaging storytelling and relatable anecdotes, I aim to educate and entertain, ensuring that by the end of this podcast, you'll be ready to revamp your LinkedIn strategy.

Throughout the episode, I break down the essentials of a successful LinkedIn presence, starting with the understanding around the types of posts you should avoid, and a crucial tip for maintaining your posts’ visibility.

I also emphasize the importance of making your content accessible and engaging, ensuring it’s easy on the eyes and appealing to those skimming during their busy days.

I also share the pitfalls of coming across as too salesy or preachy, all while explaining how LinkedIn, when leveraged like a charming neighborhood get-together rather than a pushy sales pitch, can transform your business outreach efforts.

So get ready to enjoy numerous actionable strategies: from enhancing your profile to function as an alluring landing page, to engaging genuinely in conversations without immediately diving into sales talk.

If you're ready to transform your LinkedIn approach from passive browsing to active engagement, here’s a concise roadmap from the episode:

Timestamped summary

00:00 LinkedIn links in posts. Yes or no?

04:19 Paragraphs and formatting.

09:36 Engaging, without resorting to just sales pitches.

15:29 Highlighting the help you offer clients.

Your next steps after listening

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