How ADHD entrepreneurs can find more energy

The Weeniecast - for ADHD entrepreneurs and neurodivergent business owners

12-04-2024 • 23 mins

From Squirrel to Success: Energy Management Tips for the ADHD Entrepreneur

Are you sick of finding your meat suit's running on empty before midday? I'm going to talk you through how ADHD entrepreneurs can find more energy!

Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"

In episode 79, I'm diving into something that might sound a bit routine, but trust me, it's the lifeblood of our productivity as an ADHD entrepreneur: energy management.

Now, hold on—before you let out an exasperated sigh—this episode isn't about the mundane.

We're not chasing after shiny productivity hacks.

Instead, we're slowing down to speed up.

You heard me.

It sounds counterintuitive, I know, but that's the magic I'm unpacking today.

Personal anecdotes and practical experiments have shown me that some of the simplest changes in our daily habits can have the most profound impacts when it comes to firing up that creative brain of ours and leading a business that's as healthy as we are.

I've always pushed back against the term ‘self-care,’ and in this conversation, I'm inviting you to do the same.

Instead, I'm presenting it as an essential part of our energy toolkit.

From my own experiences, I tell you how taking a moment to walk my dog, Luna, without multitasking, can clear my mind and spark those bright ideas that lead to immense productivity later on.

I dig into why that is and how we can make it a habit.

And I'm not just talking about enjoying the breezy outdoors—I'm getting into the science of it all: why our ADHD brains function the way they do, and how we can leverage that knowledge for our benefit.

From eating a breakfast that balances protein and carbs to sharing the surprising benefits of a good workout or meditative moment, I'm outlining the building blocks for sustainable energy levels that translate to business success.

But what you'll really take away post-listen is not just a bunch of knowledge nuggets—you'll be empowered to make these energy tools work for your entrepreneurial life.

I promise, you'll see how the mundane can be extraordinary.

We talk about how to turn your dog walk into a powerhouse for business planning and how to let a workout beat the stress out of your system so your creativity can kick back in.

And it's not just about the to-dos and lists; I'm giving you permission to pace yourself for premium output.

It might even lead you to fall back in love with the work that you do, and that's a beautiful thing.

We're flipping the script here, moving from frenzied to focused, so that when you do sit down to work, you're coming at it with all cylinders firing—your mind is sharp, calm, and oh-so-ready!

Timestamped Summary:

00:00 Prioritize daily habits for increased energy.

03:46 Prioritizing, clearing mind, and alleviating stress outdoors.

08:04 Fear blocks creativity, prioritize wellness for productivity.

11:50 Exercise helps focus, no gym required.

14:22 Guided meditation trains the nervous system safely.

19:02 Slow down, prioritize wellness, increase creativity, productivity.

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