How to offboard clients who are TOO SUCCESSFUL WITH YOU!

The Weeniecast - for ADHD entrepreneurs and neurodivergent business owners

19-04-2024 • 34 mins

The perfect offboarding system for ADHD entrepreneurs to set ex-clients up for continued success!

I've seen it time and again: entrepreneurs in the throes of success, grappling with a hidden dilemma... what to do when clients achieve unprecedented success under their guidance.

Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"

In the latest episode, "How to offboard clients who are TOO SUCCESSFUL WITH YOU! ", I'm sharing some tips on handling this potentially squirmy aspect of business.

The client success 'dance'

There's this move we need to dance between nurturing a client's growth and knowing when to let go of them and wave them on to their next phase.

I'm sharing a couple of personal stories - one involving a client who found personal growth overtaking her business goals, which leads us to question the very definition of success.

And the other one which talks about an interesting business dynamic I have with my podcast producer, who does all the things.

This is counter to how I'd normally work as a service provider, but it works for him and it's ideal for me!

The various client coaching models

I also talk about how to ensure your clients become self-reliant, the importance of knowing when to direct clients to new opportunities, and the delicate craft of soliciting impactful testimonials.

This episode won't just share insights—it’s a blueprint for you to follow as an ADHD entrepreneur who wants a solid offboarding process.

Get ready to take notes! You might find the transcript useful for this which you'll find on the episode page at!

Every entrepreneur envisions the moment of triumph when their hard work pays off.

Only sometimes, that success isn’t theirs; it's their clients'.

Timestamped Summary:

- 00:02:12 - The dangers of fostering dependency in our clients.

- 00:05:20 - The necessity for steady marketing.

- 00:08:45 - When coaching becomes personal development.

- 00:12:30 - Maintaining professional boundaries.

- 00:15:45 - Real-life examples of clients who thrived after completing with me.

- 00:19:55 - Why referring a client to another coach is sometimes the right move.

- 00:23:10 - How organized offboarding influences referrals.

- 00:28:25 - How to ask for GOOD testimonials, without awkwardness.

- 00:33:40 - The emotional and logistical elements.

- 00:37:50 - Proactive communication when discussing service cancellations.

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Mentioned in this episode:

My May challenge


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