3 ways ADHD entrepreneurs can avoid boom and bust in our business!

The Weeniecast - for ADHD entrepreneurs and neurodivergent business owners

08-03-2024 • 36 mins

The ADHD Entrepreneur's Strategy: Escaping the Artistic Feast or Famine

In this episode of the Weeniecast titled "3 Ways ADHD Entrepreneurs Can Avoid The Artist Boom and Bust Cycle in Our Business," I, Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, will be talking with you about the common pitfalls that ensnare many ADHD entrepreneurs.

Essentially, this episode of The Weeniecast is a study of entrepreneurial self-worth.

I'm peeling back the layers on why we price our services the way we do and how we can strut past financial shame like it's last season's fashion faux pas.

It's time to ditch the "starving artist" badge of honor, folks!

I'll share the juicy bits from my own experience with this.

And I'll share some effective strategies to keep your creative spark alight while building a biz that's as solid as the frames in an art gallery.

As we wrap this shindig up, you'll be armed and dangerous – ready to dodge burnout like Neo dodges bullets in "The Matrix".

You'll be equipped to use failures as your personal trampoline to greatness.

And you'll know precisely when to take a breather for the sake of your empire.

Get ready to kick those tired old money stories to the curb and approach your pricing strategy with fresh positivity.

And above all, let's keep the creative joy bubbling without turning our passion into a chore.

After all, if we're not having fun, then what's the point, right?

Let's do this! Click play to listen now!

And if you need help with all this pricing and work life balance stuff, book a free generate income strategy call with me.

Here's the link - https://weeniecast.com/strategycall

Oh, and here's the link to Elizabeth Gilbert's book Big Magic which I talk about in the episode.

Timestamped summary:

[00:02:20] Discussing service impact versus price

[00:06:45] Financial shame and establishing as high-end

[00:12:30] Contesting the 'honor in poverty' mindset

[00:17:00] Prioritizing business responsibilities

[00:22:15] Delegating to avoid burnout

[00:27:50] Embracing and learning from failure

[00:33:40] Feng shui for business: quitting for profit

[00:38:50] Handling ADHD in business strategy

Your next steps after listening

Realizing it's time to work with me? Book your free intial strategy call with me - weeniecast.com/strategycall

Get more support in your ADHD entrepreneur life by joining my hyperfocus community! - https://weeniecast.com/hyperfocus

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Want to just buy me a coffee in return for some helpful insight? Thank you! Here's where you can do that - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/katiethecoach

Mentioned in this episode:

Katie's May Birthday challenge

Clients can't hire you if they don't know you exist... Which is why it's SO important to post content to Social Media. Consistently. But that's easier said than done... To learn how to post consistently, you have to DO...

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