Do One Thing Well with Phil Argent

Phil Argent

Simple is not the same as easy. So few do. A short podcast each day, with the idea to give air to micro insights and bite-sized strategies that pop up during the week. No guests, No Ads, Just us. All too often, the podcast will be ideas and moments packaged up for us to remember, hope you find some of them insightful. ----------- Get deeper into strategy and insights with DX Consulting: Strategy and Insights from people that build, grow and scale digital businesses best. read less


62: You'll never lead by following
62: You'll never lead by following
Where are you now? Where do you want to go? There is always a way, but we don't always know which way is best. Here's one of my examples, in 2004 I built a CRM database, it was primitive, a PC-based Microsoft Office Access database that I'd got the back end customised so it could connect to the internet and send emails "automatically", seems simple enough hey. BUT I didn't quite see the significance of it at the time. I was building this before Mailchimp, before Hubspot, before Salesforce, before WhatsApp....  But I didn't see it. I'd built it because I wanted to start and maintain a relationship with my clients. I wanted my clients to come to me, inbound rather than me always going to them outbound. I wasn't being lazy. I wanted to be timely. I wanted my clients to feel I was always available. An email from me and my company was welcomed, embraced, and often replied to. The response made me feel special and wanted. BUT these emails pushed me in a direction. The direction I hadn't planned to go. And I grew my company. and grew and grew. I was still building and using the database, I'd called it ELVIS after a database I'd worked on at Virgin. BUT I still didn't see how valuable it was to me and my company. And I didn't for a minute think how valuable it would be for other companies. I didn't think. I was leading, but by being so far ahead I felt I needed to slow down, growing fast was costly. I started slowing down, I started allowing others to catch up with me. I eventually found myself behind...... mmmm.... When you lead, make sure to look around, make sure you know where you are, and make sure you decide to stay ahead. Just make sure you know how far ahead, don't leave that to your competition. Here's Todays Podcast Thanks for listening Phil (Founder and Director of #team #people #growth #argybargy
46: Friends, old mates and countrymen
46: Friends, old mates and countrymen
Weird as it may seem but I left Facebook and Instagram for 3 weeks and hears what happened. I wanted to know if they would miss me. I don't think they are going away, but their appeal might. But social media channels grow and contract, just like friends. And growing and contracting is not a bad thing. They say most people only really ever have 25 close friends, to add in one more, you have to lose one. *They = experts btw They also say that no room can function with more that 150 people in, more that that its a crowd. Dumbar Number btw. And at this point I ask why is it that WhatsApp only allows 256 members to a group, it loses shape well before that number. Anyway back to Facebook and Instagram, so what changed if anything. I had more time, obvs. I worried less about FOMO, obvs. I didn't grab for my phone the moment I woke up, what a relief. But and most importantly... During this time the algorithm changed, what that my doing or are they changing things.... again. What changed was the timeline, prioritised FRIENDS..... OMFG! Facebook become what it was when it started. A place to see what my friends were doing and in turn I would hope they could (if I posted) see what I was doing.... but I doubt that it works like that on my friends side.. But I can be optimistic... even tempted to post.... The question is, if I go back again, will it all revet to suggested posts and sponsorship.... #team #people #growth #argybargy Here's Todays Podcast Thanks for listening Phil (Founder and Director of