Fascinating findings from England's National Tutoring Programme with ImpactEd Evaluation's Holly Waddell, and EDT's Laura Fox and Fiona Rutherford #13

Brighter Futures with Education Development Trust

23-10-2024 • 46 mins

EDT has played a key role in the DfE’s National Tutoring Programme, but what can we learn from its findings about how schools can better support students?

Early findings have been very encouraging, and as we share the key benefits of school-based tutoring on Brighter Futures, Tony dives deeper into the topic with our expert panel: ImpactEd Evaluation's Holly Waddell, and EDT's Laura Fox and Fiona Rutherford.

This episode covers

  • Evidence that’s been collected on the effectiveness of tutoring, both in one-to-one settings and group sessions
  • Why the approach to implementing school-based tutoring should be strategic and collaborative
  • The positive impacts observed for student attainment as a result of the National Tutoring Programme in England

Laura Fox: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-fox-education/
Fiona Rutherford: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fiona-rutherford-37a181a7/
Holly Waddell: https://www.linkedin.com/in/holly-waddell/
Tony McAleavy: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tony-mcaleavy-6aa64229

Education Development Trust: https://www.linkedin.com/company/educationdevelopmenttrust/

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