35. Cutting Through Nutrition Bulls**t | Ryan Carter - Live Vitae

Chatting Fit

19-01-2023 • 1 hr 9 mins

Ryan Carter (@livevitae) is a Registered Nutritional Therapist, Sports Nutritionist (undertaking), Personal Trainer, Leader in personalised health optimisation and founder of the Health Coaching & Personalised Nutrition Clinic, Live Vitae. He inspires thousands of individuals worldwide with his wisdom and insight via his website, social media, podcast, and speaking events.

In this episode we talk all about:

- How to get to the root of health.

- Moving past polarised view points.

- How our light environment shapes our health.

- How our choices ultimately dictate who we are.

- Mitochondrial health, hydration and everything in-between.

Ryan is a breath of fresh air in an oversaturated health industry. He doesn’t take sides or adhere to dogma, nor does he adopt a one-size-fits-all perspective. He believes that health starts from the inside out and that a root-cause and holistic approach provides the best outcomes. He has pulled his expertise from the best, in the diverse fields of functional medicine, evolutionary biology, breathwork, sports performance, quantum physics, and of course, biohacking.

Ryan consults with brands and works with a select number of clients in person and remotely across the globe, from Royals in the Middle East to top sports athletes, to Emma in Hertfordshire with her 9 to 5 job, husband, three children, and dog. No matter where a client is at in their health journey, Ryan masters the art of personalised nutrition and wellness.

Find Ryan Online:


Instagram - @livevitae