Study in Prayer - February 15 - Cast Your Cares Upon Him

Study in Prayer

15-02-2022 • 6 mins

Scripture of the Day:

Numbers 11:2

“When the people cried out to Moses, he prayed to the Lord and the fire died down…”

Cast Your Cares on Him

Yesterday, we talked about how much God LOVES US! Praise the Lord!

And when someone loves you so much, so much they are willing to die for you…that is unconditional love! Amen! Whether they receive the love back from you or not will not affect how much they love you.

We can see that in kids that become estranged from their parents and run off to “do their own thing.” It breaks their parents heart (in most cases). They do not agree with the immoral lifestyle their children may be leading.

But the love of the parent is still there. It is still strong. They are praying. They are believing that “one day” their child will come back and receive the love they are offering, in the Name of Jesus.

That is God’s kind of Love. He died for us while we were yet sinners. He died for us with no guarantee that His Love would be returned, reciprocated from us back to Him. Amen. But He did it anyway.

Not just saying we love Him, but by living like we love Him.

And that includes giving Him our cares and worries and thoughts and anxiety. He can handle it. If we give it all to Him.

After you have prayed and committed your particular situation to the Lord, if you are still trying to “figure out the answer,” then you have taken back upon yourself the problem!

If you are staying up all night worried about the problem and what to do and how YOU are going to fix it, your prayers will not work because you are telling God, “I got this.” Which means you “got this” and not Him! Amen!

If that is where you are at, if you haven’t cast ALL of your cares upon the Lord, you CAN do something to change your situation. I want you to notice something in this verse, particularly in the Amplified translation of the Bible, from First Peter 5:7…

“Casting the whole of your care – all of your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, ONCE AND FOR ALL – on Him…”

This is not something you do every day. This is a “Once and for all time” proposition! Praise God!  In other words, when you obey THIS SCRIPTURE and cast all of your cares upon Him ONCE AND FOR ALL, that gets rid of them right then and puts them over into His hands! Amen!

Once you make that type of commitment and purpose in your heart NOT to carry those burdens anymore, the next time the devil tries to bring it up in the front of your mind again, REFUSE to take the thought!

Right now, I am convinced there are some people, right now, who will refuse to do this. They do not want to get rid of their cares. They may say they do, but they don’t.  Is that you?

There are some folks, watching or listening to me right now, that WILL NOT DO THIS because they would not have anything to talk about anymore!  Think about it…if they got rid of their cares, they would not have any way to generate some form of sympathy from other people!

They have become so accustomed of getting sympathy from others, they do not know how to act any other way. So, in their minds, if they cast ALL of their cares over on the Lord and refused to touch them again in their minds – they would have nothing to talk about!

Let’s Pray!

Until next time, this is Pastor Bob Thibodeau reminding you from 1 Thessalonians 5:17 in the Living Bible to “Always Keep on Praying!”  Be blessed in all that you do!

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