Where We Are: A Reflection of Our Shared Journey

Calm it Down

30-07-2024 • 10 mins

Ever felt like you're on an emotional rollercoaster, wondering if anyone else gets it? Well, my new album "Where We Are" is here to remind you that yep, we're all in this wild ride together. In this album, I talk about the ups, downs, and in-betweens of being human - you know, the stuff we all go through but don't always talk about. This episode dives into how a simple melody can make you feel seen, heard, and a little less alone in your struggles (or triumphs!). So if you've ever found comfort in a song or felt your mood lift with a tune, hop in as we explore how music might just be the universal language we all need right now, together, as we Calm it Down in 3...2...1.

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