Episode 29 - PART TWO with Andrea Rice "Moving on after a custody or divorce case"

Dynamite Divorce and other matters (DDOM)

17-06-2021 • 33 mins

I'm still having nightmares about my custody case! How can I get past this?
How can I find peace and protect my kids from further trauma?

Maybe I should share my inner feelings with my kids and lean on them for emotional support! (WHAT?!)

In this Episode 29, PART TWO, Recorded on 6/4/2021,

Barry, Kevin and special guest Andrea Rice share their intelligent and well-spoken  (at least in their minds!) insights about how parties, partners and children can 'move on' after a divorce or custody case.  Heal the scars, prevent further damage.  Be the 'captain of the ship' in your household, prevent outside disruptions.

  • How can I begin dating again?
  • Can I take my teenager's phone away as a punishment?
  • I still hold bitter feelings toward my ex, should I talk about this to my kids?
  • I should be just 'be myself' with my kids, right?
  • Can I shout at my kids?  Every parent does that, right?
  • I buy food, clothes and supplies for my kids -- I'll get credit for that, right?

Custody and Divorce Lawyers Barry C. Boykin and Kevin R. Johnson have more than 50 combined years of experience.  They know first-hand the court battles, stress and struggles that people endure as disputes are resolved in the family-court system.
Barry and Kevin try to bring hope and clarity to a troubled world, where lawyers, judges and other professionals see the best and worst of human behavior on public display.

Our Guest:  Attorney Andrea Rice, the 'World's Happiest Divorce Attorney'

"Children in Between" - online parenting-conflict course

CARPLS - legal resources

Illinois Legal Aid Online

Who we are:

Attorney Barry C. Boykin - www.gclclaw.org/barry-c-boykin

Attorney Kevin R. Johnson - WWW. DIVORCE.NU or call his cell  phone:  312-493-4241

Guest: Attorney Andrea Rice - www.whdivorceattorney.com

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