Embracing the Seasons in Poland

Learn Polish Podcast

10-03-2024 • 7 mins

Welcome to the fascinating 447th episode of the Learn Polish Podcast. If you're a newcomer, we encourage you to go back and start the journey with us, building your knowledge as you progress. Visit learnpolishpodcast.com to explore all previous episodes, or find us on Bitchute, YouTube, and Rumble. Don't forget to subscribe to get notifications of new releases.

This episode is thoughtfully designed to make learning Polish a fun and engaging experience. With Kamila and Roy as your hosts, get ready to dive deep into the Polish language and culture. This time, we are focusing on the concept of seasons (pory roku), and specifically, the beautiful spring season in Poland. The episode further delves into intriguing discussions on the natural, cultural, and language aspects related to the changing seasons. You'll also get to learn some intriguing vocabulary, including how to say 'outside' (na zewnątrz), 'rain' (deszcz), 'summer' (lato), and much more.

Moreover, we also have a special segment extending gratitude to Daniel Packard for his commendable efforts to help people dealing with anxiety and addictions. You can visit his page to have a free call and learn how he can assist you. Finally, the hosts also tease upcoming discussions on both the Polish tradition of Easter and the Islamic tradition of Ramadan.

Enjoy an insightful and enriching learning experience with this podcast of ours. We aim not just to teach you a new language but also to connect you with its culture. So, subscribe, stay tuned, and learn as you go with the Learn Polish Podcast. Until next episode, dziękuję bardzo i do widzenia.

Find all my other shows at https://bio.link/podcaster

Words used in this Episode:

Cztery pory roku- Four Seasons

Kalendarzowa wiosna zaczyna się w marcu- Calendar spring starts in March

Wiosna, lato, jesień, zima- Spring Summer Autumn Winter

Pora deszczowa- Rainy season

Wiosną natura budzi się do życia- In spring nature comes to life

Wyjść na zewnątrz- Go outside

Rodzimy się wraz z naturą- We are born with nature

Jaka jest twoja ulubiona pora roku? - What is your favourite season?

Żegnamy zimę i entuzjastycznie witamy wiosnę- We say goodbye to winter and enthusiastically welcome spring

Bieganie na zewnątrz- Running outside

Grać w koszykówkę z synem- Play basketball with my son

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