In this episode, Stephen sits down with Stained Glass Zealot, one of the foremost members of the Twitter Aesthetics-Sphere to discuss the importance of beauty and the positive benefits men get from surrounding themselves with beautiful things.
Show Highlights:
– Why beauty matters?
– A good heuristic for appreciating beautiful things.
– The problem with progress and linear history.
– Why you should read The Decline and Fall of Western Art.
– The oppressive nature of ugliness in art and architecture.
– Why we need to start focusing on long-term and eternal things.
– The beauty of fractal patterns.
– The relationship between beauty and our thoughts and the state of our soul.
– Why you need to curate your timeline.
– How contemplating beauty can change you.
– How can we reclaim beauty in the public sphere?
– Learning to be humble through the appreciation of the art of our ancestors.
– If you want to RETVRN to tradition, you need to surround yourself with the knowledge of the past.
– How our ancestors aesthetics had values and morals embedded in them.
– Why does a religious worldview lead to more beautiful aesthetics?
Patron-Exclusive Content:
We live in a world full of ugliness – there’s no doubt about that. As beauty continues to recede from our life, many young men have been asking about how we can begin to reintroduce it and surround ourselves with it.
On our patron-only question, Stained Glass Zealot answers a question from patron Sean R. on how we can do just this and explains the concept of Lindy, which can be a useful tool for reducing the modernist ugliness that crowds so many areas of our life.
Madonne Assise by William Adoplhe Bougereau
Connect with Stained Glass Zealot:
Twitter: (@glass_zealot)