Polly Moody | 2:46 Masters Marathoner on Overcoming Injuries & Setbacks

Inspired Soles

02-07-2024 • 1 hr 5 mins

Hailing from Calgary AB, Polly Moody is a 40-year old mom-of-two, a full-time teacher, and 2:46 marathoner. What makes her story so compelling is just how much adversity she’s had to  overcome. After breaking the elusive 3-hour barrier (2:58:38) at the 2015 Boston Marathon without much dedicated training, Polly tried multiple times to go sub-2:55 and came up just a bit short each time. Instead of giving up, she kept mining for lessons and trying again until it eventually happened at CIM in 2018 where she ran 2:53:07. She followed that up with a 2:48:02 in Chicago 2019, but then early in the pandemic she suffered a serious ACL/meniscus injury that required surgery and a lengthy rehab. As her 30s came to a close, Polly figured her best running days were likely behind her but at the Chicago marathon in 2023 – at the age of 40! – she ran the race of her life in 2:46:34, which included a quick porta potty stop and a 90-second negative split! Under the guidance of a new coach, she’s excited to return to Chicago in 2024 with hopes of cracking 2:45.

A lifelong athlete, Polly only began taking running seriously after her kids were born but she’s gained a ton of wisdom alongside her speedy times. We especially loved hearing how she uses trail running and 10k races to enhance her marathon training.

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