Ben Flanagan & Rory Linkletter | Rivals & Friends: Breaking Down the Canadian 10k Championships in Ottawa

Inspired Soles

11-06-2024 • 1 hr 11 mins

Rory Linkletter and Ben Flanagan are elite Canadian distance runners and friends who have both been on the show twice. Although they have different primary disciplines, they occasionally compete against one another and that is always a great day for fans of the sport.

On May 25th, 2024 they lined up at the Canadian 10k Championships in Ottawa and they’re here to break it all down with us. As a 5k runner, Ben was treating this race as strength work and as a marathoner, Rory was looking at it like speed work on his road to the summer Olympics in Paris. In this conversation they held nothing back when describing their pre-race preparation and in-race tactics to try and win. In the end Ben came out on top in 28:09 and Rory finished second in 28:40. Both had small personal bests and Ben’s was also good for a new Canadian record. We think it’s safe to say that they put on an exceptional show for the thousands of fans lining the streets of our nation’s capital.

Both in their late 20s, Rory & Ben seem wise beyond their years and have an undeniable mutual respect for each other. Ben has achieved the 5000m Olympic Standard and will be racing the Canadian track trials on June 27th in hopes of another win. Either way, it is looking very likely that he’ll also be named to the summer Olympic team, and he and Rory have requested to room together in Paris.

It’s not every day that you get to hear two competitors break down a race together like this, including what was going on in their heads every step of the way.

Ben’s Past Appearances

Rory’s Past Appearances

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