The Industry of Trust

Tiffany Lentz and Robert Greiner

Have you ever found yourself on a losing team? In our experience, teams that fail at achieving their objective rarely lack the expertise or drive to win. Rather, they are dysfunctional and can't operate effectively together. In The Industry of Trust Podcast, Tiffany and Robert explore leading through a foundation of trust as a method to build exceptional teams that change the world. read less


The Disagreement Dance
The Disagreement Dance
In this episode, we continue our book tour of Think Again by Adam Grant. We are on Chapter 5 - Dances with Foes. We discuss our personal experiences with debates, negotiations, and the importance of communication. We delve into the concept of quality over quantity in conversations and the significance of adapting to one's counterpart. The episode also touches upon the various ways people deal with conflict and the importance of creating authentic connections.- Focus on quality over quantity in communication; present only top points to avoid overwhelming others.- Avoid being a "logic bully"; consider the human aspect of conversations.- Embrace the dance analogy; adapt and collaborate in communication.- Learn from skilled communicators to improve personal conversation abilities.- Understand and find agreement in the other person's argument for effective communication.- Combine relationship building and questioning for a positive negotiation environment.- Prevent attack-defend spirals and stay open to others' ideas and data.- Ask questions and find common ground for productive conversations and better outcomes.- Skilled negotiators emphasize common ground and questioning.- Align values and opinions for consensus; practice confident humility for nuanced discussions.- Expert witnesses with moderate confidence are more credible.- Negotiation skills impact personal and professional relationships.- Encourage collaboration by inviting counterparts to share their perspectives.- Be flexible in negotiations, as compromise is often possible.- View negotiations as a dance, working together towards a common goal.
Finding the Sweet Spot of Confidence - Think Again Series - Chapter 2
Finding the Sweet Spot of Confidence - Think Again Series - Chapter 2
Today we continue our discussion on the ideas and insights from the world of psychology and business in Chapter 2 Think Again by Adam Grant - The Armchair Quarterback and the Imposter.The Armchair Quarterback and Imposter Syndrome are the polar opposites of human behavior. On one hand, the Armchair Quarterback operates in a world where their confidence exceeds their competence. The name is popularized by the millions of American Football fans that scream at their television every week when the Quarterback doesn't find the wide open receiver to throw to as he's getting sacked.On the other end, we have Imposter Syndrome (take the quiz here: where we are operating in a state where we don't believe we deserve the success we have obtained. We think our success is a fluke, that we don't deserve what we have achieved, and are worried about being "found out" as incompetent.It turns out, like everything else in life, there should be a balance between competence and humility. This balance can be found through objective standards and feedback loops. We discuss the various ways our network can help provide a mirror of reality for us to help combat the Imposter and Armchair Quarterback in all of us.That's it for today's episode. If you enjoyed this discussion of Chapter 2 of Think Again, be sure to tune in for our next episode where we'll be covering Chapter 3 and don't forget to hit the subscribe button or reach out at