An estimated 85% of adult women with ADHD go undiagnosed. ADHD in women often presents differently than in men. Moreover, women suffer significantly more from the emotional effects of the disorder. Getting a diagnosis is the first step in turning a potentially life-wrecking disorder into a life of fulfilment, happiness and success.
This week, my daughter, Kassandra, and I co-host this episode on adult ADHD. Both diagnosed recently, we are at the beginning of our ADHD journey. We discuss the immense relief a diagnosis brings. We describe some of the common and less common symptoms seen particularly in women. We discuss some of the emotional impact of having ADHD and why ADHD often comes along with other disorders. We debunk some myths and talk about the sunny sides of ADHD. Our aim is to raise awareness, especially in women. We hope that sharing our story helps you find out you're not lazy, flakey and stupid, you might just have ADHD. And once you know that, you can start to live a life you love.
Resources are plentiful. Here are a few of our favourites:
ADDitude magazine
Totally ADD
How to ADHD
Dr Ned Hallowell
Sari Solden
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