Learn Turkish: Ideas

Turkish Learning Accelerator

10-07-2023 • 4 mins

Let's practice Turkish with some ideas worth pondering.

This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Turkish, to improve your Turkish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Turkish.

These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Turkish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Turkish class. The more you expose your brain to Turkish audio, the faster you'll learn.

All episodes have subtitles available (if your podcast app supports subtitles).

Contact us with feedback and ideas: languagelearningaccelerator@gmail.com

View the full list of English and Turkish phrases in this episode.

Phrases in this episode:

  • a mistake is only an error if I've made it before
  • to see your past, look at your body now.
  • to see your future, look at your mind now.
  • sow seeds when young, to harvest when old
  • if I am not setting my direction, someone else is
  • life can be a horror or a comedy, often at the same time
  • most of my fears are like sharks without teeth
  • I have fought a million fights, most of them in my head
  • every step outside your comfort zone expands your comfort zone
  • adventure begins when we say yes!
  • I am all that I am, because we all are what we are
  • though we are very similar, we are not the same
  • not everything that is legal is just
  • not everything that is illegal is injust
  • if there are two great evils in the world, they are centralization and complexity
  • in this world there are many questions and fewer answers
  • one lifetime is enough to change the world
  • in this world there are many people, but there's nobody like you
  • you didn't come into this world, you came out of it

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