Iowa, Montana, Indiana, and Tennessee Join the Ranks of States with Email Opt-in Requirement in New Data Privacy Laws (Season 3 Episode 8)
New data privacy laws in Tennessee, Indiana, Montana, and Iowa put these states on par with Connecticut, Colorado, Virginia, Utah and Texas; all of them have new data privacy laws which, among other things, require affirmative opt-in and consent before you can use someone’s email address, such as adding it to a mailing list or using it for targeted advertising. It’s important to understand that this doesn’t just apply to businesses which are headquartered in those states; most of these state laws also apply to anyone doing business with someone in that state.
Prefer to read it instead of listen to it? Do that here: https://www.isipp.com/blog/iowa-montana-indiana-tennessee-join-ranks-of-states-with-email-opt-in-law/
The Everything Email Marketing blogcast is provided by Get to the Inbox by ISIPP SuretyMail, the founder of the email deliverability industry. For more information about how we can help you get to the inbox go to GetToTheInbox.com