Can-Do and Confident with Kate Cousens

kate cousens

Introducing the Can Do & Confident Podcast, your regular dose of motivation and friendly encouragement from British author & entrepreneur, Kate Cousens who you can find at:

Kate believes that you’ve already got everything you need inside of you to reach your full potential but that sometimes people, women especially, get caught up in perfectionism and procrastination. They lack self-belief and let things like imposter syndrome and self-doubt take over. She’s on a mission to help you reconnect with your true, authentic self, building rock-solid confidence and the motivation to go after your desires and dreams!

Kate’s here with actionable advice that will help you to step into your power and start living your life in a can-do and confident way.

Because it’s your time and you’re ready to shine!

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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10 ways to live like the CEO version of you
10 ways to live like the CEO version of you
One of my mottos is that you are the CEO of your own life. You are in charge! When you think of a Chief Executive Officer of an organisation, what stereotypical image comes to mind? Generally, someone who has their schnizzle together (that’s a technical term), right?Having worked with countless CEOs of organisations big and small, there are 10 things that I think they have in common that I want to share with you to give you food for thought about how you can live like the CEO version of you would. 1.     Be unapologetic about taking up space and time (heroes walk slowly!).2.     Get comfortable in your own skin (ho'oponopono).3.     Show up and shine (rather than playing safe and small).4.     Get out of your comfort zone - feel the fear and do it anyway. 5.     Define your vision for your life (and take action towards it) 6.     Make your life easier7.     Stay in your own lane8.     Work on your resilience and a strength of character to cope with whatever life throws your way (go the distance).9.     Take radical responsibility 10.   Regularly audit and assess what you’re doing and who you’re doing it with (promote and demote). Remember you are the boss of your own life! I hope you’ve enjoyed this episode – if you have please let me know over on social media @katecousens or visit: and also if you do get 2 mins please can I ask you to rate and review as it helps other people find it? Thank you all for listening and until next time – go forth, be can-do and confident! Kate x Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Increasing your resilience
Increasing your resilience
“We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails” – Dolly Parton Resilience is something that is often talked about - the ability to get back up after we have been knocked down. In this episode I share some of my tips to help you increase your resilience to setbacks and changes.The Global Wellbeing Project suggests that there are five pillars of resilience that we can proactively work on to help us build up the ability to recover more quickly from setbacks and challenges, these are: 1.     Energy - is about sustaining and renewing physical energy. Taking personal responsibility for your physical health and energy so you are ready to tackle whatever comes your way. 2.     Future Focus - when you have a sense of purpose and direction; when you know where you want to go and have an idea of how you’re going to get there. 3.     Inner Drive - self-belief, confidence and motivation. It is much easier to persevere through challenging times when we are feeling confident in ourselves and our abilities. 4.     Flexible Thinking - helps us think outside the box and identify new ideas and possibilities. 5.     Strong Relationships - resilient people have great relationships, feel empathy towards others, and are not too proud to share their problems. They are seen as open, honest and trustworthy and have great support networks both at home and at work.The idea is that the time it takes to bounce back to your ‘usual’ self gets less the more you work on strengthening these five pillars, so being resilient when things don’t go to plan starts by looking after yourself before anything untoward crops up in the first place. But if you are feeling more overwhelmed, remember it is ok not to be ok, and you are not alone. Visit the website for more resources, or contact your doctor. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Understanding your Values to be happier and more confident
Understanding your Values to be happier and more confident
Have you ever taken the time to work out what you most value? Many of us have a vague idea of what matters to us but haven’t stopped and explored what our values really are. Values are an extension of our core beliefs which create the building blocks for everything we do – they are like our foundations which help us define who we are. When you know what your core values are it can guide your decision making, help you set goals, and make plans for your future. Making decisions like working for an organisation or moving house can be difficult, especially when influenced by other factors such as families and social pressures. Understanding what your values are is like having a shortcut to decision making – you can simply ask yourself ‘does this align with my value of X?’. Acting more in alignment with your values can help you to increase your sense of fulfilment in every aspect of your life. If you’re interested in exploring your values I have a free resource on my website Consider which words most reflect your behaviour and/or things that are important to you. Select the ones that you most associate yourself with and then discard the rest – repeat the process until you have narrowed it down to a number between 5 – 10. If there are any values specifically that aren’t reflected, there is space to write your own. If you can’t remove a value from your list, keep it – it indicates something that is important to you. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.