How Stress Makes Us Fat, Destroys Our Health, and What to Do About It

Nutri Upgrade

16-06-2023 • 45 mins

Hello and welcome back!

Today, I want to address a problem that many people experience in our modern lives. How stressed are you on a scale of 0-10? If your score regularly reaches 7 or higher, this episode is for you.

Stress becomes problematic when it becomes chronic and we fail to take action to de-stress and relax. That's when cortisol triggers metabolic changes in our bodies, leading to increased fat deposition, particularly in the abdominal area. Additionally, our overall health is impacted in numerous ways, including accelerated ageing, loss of glow and muscle mass, hair loss, and a higher risk of developing autoimmune diseases. In the long run, cortisol is both catabolic and destructive.

In this episode, I will explain the workings of the "fight or flight" response, its origins, and its effects on our bodies. I will provide examples of modern stressors, including environmental and nutritional factors. Furthermore, I will share recommendations that I personally incorporate into my daily routine and offer to my clients. These recommendations aim to reduce cortisol levels and promote a state of peaceful regeneration and healing known as "rest and digest," which is the opposite of "fight or flight."

Join me as we delve into the intricate relationship between stress, cortisol, and our well-being. Let's explore practical strategies that can help us lower cortisol levels and cultivate a state of calm and rejuvenation. Let's navigate the path towards a healthier, more balanced life.

The book that I mentioned which you may be interested in is by Shawn Talbott Ph.D. "The Cortisol Connection: Why Stress Makes You Fat and Ruins Your Health"

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