Smart ADHD Stories: Kerry Jordan

Smart ADHD Podcast

28-03-2024 • 1 hr 26 mins

Are you keen to uncover how ADHD influences creativity and entrepreneurship?

Curious about transforming ADHD challenges into powerful assets for personal and professional success?

Ever wonder how individuals with ADHD navigate their unique journeys towards discovering their passion and purpose?

In this episode, we're diving deep into the heart of creativity and ADHD with the fantastic Kerry Jordan, a master of pet photography and an inspiring entrepreneur navigating the vibrant world of creativity with ADHD.

Kerry has turned her ADHD challenges into stepping stones for success. Kerry’s journey from battling undiagnosed ADHD to mastering the art of pet photography is nothing short of inspiring. We talk about everything from the rough paths of early education and professional life to the bright moments of discovering her passion and purpose. Kerry sheds light on how ADHD influenced her personal and professional relationships and how she turned those ADHD traits into her greatest assets.

Join us as we explore Kerry’s story of transformation, creativity, and self-realization. It’s a tale of emotional ups and downs, relationship dynamics, and finding one’s true calling amidst the noise. Plus, Kerry shares some practical tips and strategies that have helped her manage ADHD and thrive. This episode is a treasure trove of insights, experiences, and encouragement for anyone looking to embrace their unique strengths and navigate the waters of ADHD with confidence.

Episode Highlights:

  • 00:00 Welcome to the Smart ADHD Podcast: Episode Two
  • 02:39 Meet Kerry Jordan: A Story of ADHD and Discovery
  • 05:12 The Turning Point: Kerry’s ADHD Revelation
  • 13:07 Growing Up Different: Kerry’s Early Years with ADHD
  • 20:06 The Emotional Rollercoaster and Finding Oneself
  • 25:58 ADHD’s Ripple Effect on Relationships and Coping Mechanisms
  • 38:48 Friendships Through the ADHD Lens
  • 42:14 A Journey of Responsibility, Discovery, and Growth
  • 43:10 Overcoming Career Hurdles and Unleashing Personal Strengths
  • 45:25 A Financial Upturn and Career Evolution
  • 51:39 The Leap into Creativity and Entrepreneurship
  • 59:02 Embracing Photography: Kerry’s True Passion
  • 01:09:15 Deep Dive into Relationships and Self-Awareness
  • 01:14:48 Looking Ahead: Leveraging ADHD Superpowers for the Future

Resources and Links Mentioned:

About Kerry Jordan

Kerry Jordan, the creative genius behind Fur and Fables, is not just a commercial pet photographer; she's a storyteller who captures the essence of pets and their human companions. Kerry’s journey with ADHD has been one of discovery, growth, and transformation, turning challenges into assets in her creative and business endeavours. As an advocate for recognizing ADHD as a strength, Kerry inspires others to explore and embrace their unique qualities.

Connect with Kerry:

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