Snow Sayonara – James Albis, Founder and CEO of SnoHub – Rethinking and Improving the Massive Snow Removal Problem Through an Innovative Technological Solution

Finding Genius Podcast

03-10-2018 • 22 mins

James Albis, founder and CEO of SnoHub (, provides a complete overview of the snow removal business and how his company’s digital app is creating jobs and helping to alleviate the snow problem that faces millions of people annually. As a boy, Albis saw an opportunity in snow removal. Teaming up with a neighborhood friend when he was just ten years old, Albis shoveled many driveways in the winter and earned a decent amount of extra cash, enough to make a ten year old pretty pleased. Fast forward many years and Albis, now a businessman, found himself pondering why snow removal was still a continual problem for so many people living in areas that get pounded by the winter weather annually. His desire to solve this problem motivated his launch of SnoHub.

SnoHub is a fully automated snow clearing service that, finally, solves the snow-clearing crisis in a super convenient, easy way. It’s a simple to use app for customers and contractors alike that benefits everyone. Snow clearing is no longer difficult, for as Albis states, SnoHub has solved an inefficient problem through the use of mobile technology. Albis explains how their service covers the full range of customers’ needs, from snow blowing to snow plowing, snow shoveling, and deicing. It’s a compulsory, gig economy type of service as Albis explains, and his app solves the problem by bringing literally thousands of new snow removal workers into the solution. From a person with a truck and pro equipment to the college student with a good shovel and strong arms ready to work, SnoHub brings every willing body into the snow removal equation when they are needed!

For customers who need snow removal, SnoHub offers the benefit of easy contracts with no long-term commitments, easy ordering of the service on demand, preorders for when you know the storm is coming, order tracking, and full documentation of completed work with before and after photos. Additionally, SnoHub can alert customers via SMS and phone contact, and their advanced secure channels allow for concise, convenient, and confidential communication throughout the entire process from early ordering all the way through to a final tip to the contractor for a job well done.

For contractors, the benefits are also plentiful. Contractors who work through SnoHub can reserve jobs, up to five at a time in advance of a coming storm or during the storm. They can receive bonuses for meeting specific SnoHub goals, which could put extra money in their pocket. Contractors benefit from the same easy means of communication, via phone or SMS notices. They can view jobs in advance, calculate their time and distance to jobs, and earn extra for completing additional services clients may request, and count on easy payments for their hard work in just three to four days after completion.

Albis discusses some exciting partnerships that he is bringing SnoHub into, such as equipment providers that SnoHub’s contractors can utilize in their work. And Albis stresses his desire to work with American companies as SnoHub strives to bring more workers into the snow accumulation problem through the creation of many viable job opportunities. And for the future, Albis hopes to broaden his company’s services, as they have the database of customers who will probably also need additional services during the non-winter months as well.

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