One Voice can change the world with Tina Bangel

Tina Bangel

Tina Bangel is a Vocal Coach, Singer and Songwriter. One Voice can change the world was created to share inspiring stories from people making a difference in the music industry and in the world today. Incredible Voices who will give you the tools & tips to help you become a performer you will be proud of. Helping you take your lifestyle and music business to the next level. read less


How one voice can change the world with Fideliz Cruz
How one voice can change the world with Fideliz Cruz
Thank you Fideliz Cruz for having me on your show!  Always such a pleasure to work with you! This episode is an interview was from Fideliz Cruz's YouTube Channel. "In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Ms Tina Bangel.  Founder and Owner of "One Voice" School of Singing! I'm so inspired by Tina as i watch her do what she loves the most and that's sharing the message of "One Voice" & sharing her talent of singing and empowering her students through music. So How can One Voice; YOUR VOICE change the world? Here are the Gold Nuggets that i got from this interview: 1) COURAGEOUSLY TAKE OPPORTUNITIES! In the journey of discovering your passions and what it is that lights you up, It's all about giving it a go and trying out new things! Courageously take the opportunities that you're given and use this as a learning experience! - You never know, this could be the stepping stone towards discovering your passion! 2)THERE'S NO PERFECT TIME THAN NOW! There will never be a perfect time, so don't wait any longer and decide to make the move today! This might be in your business, your career, in your studies etc. Focus on the WHY you're doing what you're doing and this will always cause you to move forward and not wait on the what seems to be "perfect" timing. and lastly, 3) YOUR VOICE IS IMPORTANT! Your opinion, your views, your thoughts and your words matter and you've got to be heard! All of us evolve and change as we grow and as we do that, we need to be able to express ourselves. This is a great tool to get our message of love, hope and encouragement out there. Whatever your message to the world, make sure it come's from within. If you need to get coaches to help you bring that voice out, then do it! I love what Tina says: "One Voice. It starts with you and you have the confidence within you. You have the ability to change peoples lives with your voice. It doesn't matter if it's singing, ti could be through dance, art or sports but you have that ability to change peoples lives just because you have the inspiration and drive within you." Tina's Facebook page: Tina's Project BE HEARD: Get Tina's Album in itunes: Facebook: fidelizcruzstylist Thank you One Last Time Productions for making this beautiful video!"
Ep 017 Celebrity Vocal Coach - 7 Dimensions of Singing
Ep 017 Celebrity Vocal Coach - 7 Dimensions of Singing
7 DIMENSIONS OF SINGING BOOK & WORKSHOP Celebrity vocal coach, Richard Fink IV, will be visiting from NY to teach his technique known as THROGA (throat-yoga) and share insights from his newly published book, 7 Dimensions of Singing. In this 2 hour workshop, Richard will demonstrate how to target any aspect of your voice to create balance and vocal freedom by combining the power of the mind, practice and contemporary science. Discover the tools you can use to reach your TRUE potential as a vocalist, perfect for aspiring singers, actors, touring professionals and teachers alike. Tickets to the workshop can be purchased here: Richard is the founder of THROGA, 2x Guinness World Record breaker as a vocalist and has been labeled as the “world’s leading online vocal coach” by the Wall Street Journal. Richard's versatile 5 octave vocal range made him an award-winning singer for solo performances as Jesus (Jesus Christ Superstar) and Jean Valjean (Les Miserables), along with several original albums released between 1991 and 2005. His vocal production and songwriting skills even led to co-writing and demoing songs for top charting artists such as Josh Groban and Michael Jackson. Now, with clients in over 100 countries spanning all 7 continents, Richard has taught his THROGA techniques to multi-platinum selling artists, actors, public speakers, Broadway stars, and singers featured on Disney, Nickelodeon, The Voice, The X Factor, American Idol, America's Got Talent, Australia's Got Talent, MTV, CMT, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Late Night with Conan O’Brien, The Tonight Show, Live with Kelly, Yo Soy El Artista, Dancing with the Stars, and many others. Additionally, Richard has conducted several vocal workshops around the world, including the Talent Camp at Universal Studios in Orlando, Casting Camp in Los Angeles, and JMC Academy (Berkley School of Music affiliate) in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. Most recently, he released a free THROGA App (available on iOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry and Amazon) and published his first book, the 7 Dimensions of Singing   We talk about: Who are his mentors? How to find the right vocal coach. How to have a good mindset for singing. How he set the bar high. What is in the pipelines? One Song that changed his life? What does One Voice can change the world mean to him.   Be an ambassador for One Voice's  Project Be heard click here:
Ep 016 How to be awesome without Alcohol
Ep 016 How to be awesome without Alcohol
I met Caitlin during Selena Soo’s Get Known Get Clients live event in New York. Caitlin has this gift of capturing the room when she speaks. She is smart, a dedicated soul, an inspiration! You can see the passion she has for her work in her eyes and she genuinely wants to help others become better versions of themselves. Caitlin Padgett is a lifestyle coach for successful women who struggle with alcohol. Whether the goal is to control their drinking through moderation techniques or to eliminate it completely, she offers an individualised program for women find freedom from alcohol, on their own terms.   Here is what we talk about: Caitlin tells us about her powerful work, how did it came about and what was the pivotal time in her life when she decided enough is enough?   What are strategies that creative people can tap into their “zone” without having to turn to alcohol?   How to deal with friends or letting go of people that don't serve your purpose in life, what would you say to someone who is afraid to let go of what they know and who they know?   Dialog that people can use at the work place or events so they can feel comfortable in situations where they are encouraged to drink?   There are people who use alcohol to unwind after work or a gig, Caitlin suggest for people to do when they have the urge to use alcohol.   What is the song that changed your life and why?   For many years Caitlin felt like she was living a double life. On the outside, she was an accomplished international advocate, living a jet-set lifestyle that took her around the world working on interesting projects. She projected confidence and a sense of adventure and fun. Yet inside she was struggling. She was making good money, but spending a ton on after work cocktails, late nights out, bottles of wine as nightcaps, not to mention the pharmaceuticals she thought she needed to keep anxiety and sleeplessness at bay. For years she had been hiding from myself, it was becoming harder to do so. Looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t ignore the effects of drinking too much the night before. But she discovered... You can redefine your relationship to alcohol, instead of it defining you. Caitlin says; “ I now have a life worth remembering every second of. A life that I WANT. Instead of copious amounts on bottles of wine, bubbly and cocktails, I spend money on delicious, nourishing food. Instead of hazy hungover mornings turning into wasted days, I wake up with energy, clarity and enthusiasm. Instead of numbing out stress, anxiety or accumulative shame, I feel and I deal, and I know that I can handle whatever comes my way. Instead of intimacy instigated with liquid courage, I have deeply meaningful intimate relationships Instead of “pre-gaming” with my girlfriends by downing a bottle (or two) of bubbly before even heading out the door, I have beautiful rituals that allow my inner beauty to shine. People say I glow!  She goes on to say; “It’s possible for you to have a life you want too. You can have control over your relationship with alcohol. Life doesn’t have to be messy, overly dramatic, or filled with nagging anxiety and self-doubt. While there’s no magic pill, no quick fix, there is a way.  A way that honours and celebrates your individuality.” If this is what you want, then connect with Caitlin here: Sign up here to receive Caitlin’s three-part “Drink Less Success” Video series and as a special bonus you’ll also be the first to receive her  “How to be awesome without alcohol” video training as soon as it is released!! This video series is especially relevant to those of us who rely on networking and being active in nightlife for the success of our careers. I know you’ll get a lot out of it!   You can get her book here: Drink Less Be More: How to have a great night (and life!) without getting wasted    WHAT WE MENTIONED: Sponsored by Tina Doshi – Photographer and Small Business Strategist Selena Soo founder of the 6 month course Get known Get clients Download Selena’s free report Here OUTRO SONG : You can get a copy of Dorothy Ruby Shoes
Ep 015 The dos and don'ts during a Jam session with Don Cabrera
Ep 015 The dos and don'ts during a Jam session with Don Cabrera
Dominic is one of Australia's top drummers and is an in demand session musician from Sydney. He works with Sony Music Australia, Warner Music Australia and has performed with artists such as: Cyrus Tim Omaji (Timomatic) Guy Sebastian Jessica Mauboy Delta Goodrem Samantha Jade Nathaniel Justice Crew Rob Mills Stan Walker Taylor Henderson Reigan Derry -International- Jessie J Nico & Vinz Josh Groban Benji Madden Lea Salonga Aston Merrygold Charice Gungor Dom regularly appears in television shows and features including X-Factor, The Voice, The ARIA Awards, Young Talent Time, The Morning Show, The Today Show, Sunrise & Mornings. He teaches privately, upon request, and has hosted popular collaborative jam sessions/residencies, where Sydney's creative and performing arts community are of constant attendance. Dom's first encounter with playing the drums was by getting in trouble with his primary school teacher while banging beats on his little school desk as a child, back in the Philippines. The teacher saw the potential and talent behind the energetic troublesome boy and cultivated it by letting him share his gift, playing a solo marching snare piece for the annual school festival that year. That ignited a flame and passion that would never be extinguished. Having started with the guitar at the age of 9 and the bass after moving to Australia at the age of 13, Dom has always been exposed to music of all styles, growing up and coming from a family of musicians. He gained experience throughout his teens playing for his youth group all around Australia. These years of being self-taught were very crucial to him, allowing him to find and harness his natural strengths as a musician and discovering his own style, voice and character. Dom would play anything and everything by ear when he listened to the radio/TV, while keeping a special place in his heart for melodic rock. After being the most prized all-around musician in his high school, Dom finally found home in the drums once again, deciding to make it his full-time instrument. The movement, physicality, style, raw expression, musicality.. everything about the craft made him fall in love with the art of drumming. Dominic was offered a Bachelor of Music course at the Australian Institute of Music despite not having his Higher School Certificate. During the years of studying and gigging, he has toured, performed and recorded with some of Australia's leading and upcoming talents. He has learnt from some of the world's best musician educators and his studies and exploration has led him to finding a deep passion for experimental music. Dcd is available for private lessons and is currently regularly playing with Cyrus, SSJ & Jeremy Gregory. He is proudly endorsed by Sonor Drums, UFiP Cymbals & Silverfox Drumticks. THE WEST SESSIONS A couple of years ago, Don had a heavy feeling of incompletion and couldn't shake it off. He had made a career out of playing music in the "city scene" but it felt selfish and distant from the people who raised and nurtured me in the arts. He missed the peers who mentored him and breathed the same passion for music, without ANY money or politics involved.. Just for the pure love of it. Finally, some friends and Don have the opportunity to give back, reconnect, (hopefully) inspire, and just have a fun old time sharing music with anyone and everyone; the youth groups, the churches, the schools and multicultural families. "After all, some of the heaviest mf's come from the west ;) Please join us for some nights of good vibes and let's make the scene back home alive again ;) The West Sessions." Says Don!
Ep 014 How to find the courage to follow your dreams
Ep 014 How to find the courage to follow your dreams
The next few episodes of One Voice can change the world podcast I will be interviewing amazing guests I met in New York. I was in New York for a conference organised by Selena Soo. During that event I met some visionary entrepreneurs who are set to change the world with their work. You are going to be inspired by these world-class leaders.  If you would like to learn more about Selena Soo she actually had a free report that you can download from my show notes. You can learn how she can help you spread your message to the world in an authentic and purposeful way.  I met our next guests at the event. We also did Selena’s course together. When you hear their story it will inspire you to dream big! TAY & VAL Award-winning filmmakers and inspirational storytellers from Singapore, Tay and Val are living examples of dreamers who have cycled and traveled across the globe on “Project I Believe That Dreams Can Come True. “ After a chance encounter with a retired 64-year-old train master in Taiwan the girls found out that “Luo Papa” had a dream to cycle around Taiwan, stop at every train station and take a photo. They offered to accompany him to help him realise his dream. After realising Luo Papa’s dream they kept going and haven’t stopped. They meet people who have realised their dream, also people who are realising their dreams and on the way they share their experiences and pay it forward and a “dream chain” During this podcast we chat about how they both met, what you do and how your work came about. They share their journey as artist, Tay being a Filmmaker and Val being a singer, actress and artist. I absolutely loved their TEDx talk – Dreams Unlimited. You can watch their ted talks here Tay and Val tell us how they landed the Ted talks, the process and challenges and what was the outcomes. I dive into their Journey to collect people’s dreams, how they generated Sponsorship and how they planned their trip around the world. At the end of the day, if you want to follow your dreams make sure it comes from a place of love, of service and it will become more of a reality. If you enjoyed this episode please like, comment, share. CONNECT WITH TAY AND VAL FACEBOOK | WEBSITE | TWITTER   MENTIONED IN THIS PODCAST:  Selena Soo’s Free Report – How Selena Went From $0 to $157,000 in Her First Year As a Coach Click here to download  ESPISODE SPONSOR: Tina Doshi
5 Tips to grow your YouTube fan base and channel with Gabe Bondoc
5 Tips to grow your YouTube fan base and channel with Gabe Bondoc
I found Gabe Bondoc to be so humble and so giving of his time. I was only supposed to have a 10min interview but it ended up being much longer which I am so grateful for. He genuinely wanted to help our budding performers out. Gabe certainly has created a lifestyle and business he truly loves and he is truly proud that he can support his family through music and being creative. Often we see musicians with a Struggle mindset but what I have come to realise by chatting with Gabe is that when you are a singer/musician who knows he is blessed and who is grateful you won't be in a reactfull or scarcity mode.  As full time musicians the internet can give us opportunities to reach more people not only in your own backyard but around the world. That is what Gabe has created for himself. He has generated income by working hard, putting in the hours and thinking ahead. As full time musicians we are known to create something out of nothing. We can create sources of income with endless possibilities if we just work hard and as Gabe said strive for excellence. This is what we dive into         For someone who has over 3 million views on YouTube, tell us how it all came about?  What 5 tips can you share with our listeners on how to start and grow their YouTube subscribers? Get your Free PDF here: do you think of Facebook Live and do you see that as the future or the next big thing? What do you think people should be taking advantage of now?I have questions from my students  Erica- She asks What made you sing in the first place?Abigail – if you could go back 5 years, what advice would you give yourself?Jodie- "Why don't you ever reveal your wife's identity/face?”  I have watched your videos and often you have your beautiful little girl, Miss Savannah Kinsley, in the footage, how do you juggle music business and a young family life?What is one song that changed your life and whyWhat is your vision?   Follow Gabe Bondoc WEBSITE INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK   What we mentioned on the podcast: B-SCHOOL MARIE FORLEO GET YOUR FREE PDF ON HOW TO GROW YOUR YOUTUBE FAN BASE AND CHANNEL HERE CONTACT ME FOR A FREE CONSULATION
Ep 011 How to get international gigs
Ep 011 How to get international gigs
If your dream is to secure international gigs then this is an episode you need to listen to.  Prita’s unique sound is ‘Hip-So-Fo’. It combines her love of Hip-Hop, Soul and Folk with the use of a live loop pedal and effortlessly layers funky urban harmonies, acoustic finger picking guitar and beat boxing. Prita's mission is to inspire people to follow their dreams.  Prita bravely overcame her insecurities and took the pludge to make singing her full time career.  Now she travels the world sharing her music not only in Australia but all around Europe. We met each other through Denise Duffield's Lucky Bitch Money Bootcamp Here are the questions I ask: Tell us about what brought you to where you are now? Not only are you musically talented what other services do you offer and how did that come about? We met through Denise's Lucky Bitch community what drew you to her program and what are some of the best things you learnt from the bootcamp? Tell us which countries music has taken you? For singers who want to travel the world and get gigs just like what you do what are the top 5 essential things to do and how can they go about doing that? Tell us about your indidgogo campaign? What have you learnt whist doing this campaign? What would you do differently? What worked for you? What is one song that changed your life and why? What are in the pipelines? How can people find you? Website : Instagram : Facebook: YouTube: iTunes: Links: Awesome Merchandise Denise Duffield Lucky Bitch Money Bootcamp Indigogo Crowdfunding  Outro song: Stronger by Prita Grealy
Ep 010 Leaving a 6 figure income to pursue a musical passion project
Ep 010 Leaving a 6 figure income to pursue a musical passion project
I first met Elaine as one of members who signed up for Lewis Howes' School of Greatness Academy. I have watched her grow her start up business and her company Neon Owl is something to watch out for if you are into Electronic dance music. Elaine has been working slowly but surely over the months and I was blown away with the community she has created in such a short period of time. I wanted to interview Elaine because of her passion to use music as a form to give back to the community. She has purpose and drive that is contagious. She bravely left her 6 figure income to pursue this dream. We dive into how was that transition for her. I ask her questions that could also help musicians and singers build upon their business, such as using services like Thunder clap, Indigogo to help build awareness for your music. We chat about how she reaches out to influencers and builds her networks so her message can be heard. Here are my questions: Tell us about your company Neon Owl.You mentioned that you love music even through you don’t play an instrument, how did you develop the concept of Neon Owl and how did it come about?Many people are afraid of charting into new territory how did you make the transition of leaving your 6 figure corporate job into diving into creating your dream jobTell us about Thunder clap and how you use it to promote your cause? How can a musician, performer or singer use Thunderclap for their advantage?You have been really proactive in reaching out to influencers or people who are doing so well in the dance genre- what are some of the steps you have taken to build relationships with them in such a short period of time. I think it would be beneficial for my audience to grasp the concept of networking and building rapport with people in their networks.What is in the pipelines for you? Neon Owl Event  18th Dec Charity Event Neon Owl Presents: A Neon Christmas - Save The Music Charity Show @ HUE SF - Ken Loi, ADAPT, Philip Adrian & AJ ORB/T Connect with Elaine at: We mentioned: Lewis Howes School of Greatness 21 day Singing Challenge Outro Music Be Heard by Tina Bangel
Ep 009 How to create your own show
Ep 009 How to create your own show
Episode 009 How to create your own show The One Voice of Veronica Alonzo   Veronica is a Sydney based Singer and Producer   Sometimes we are held back to pursue our dreams but Veronica had the courage to slowly but surely climb that mountain, the mountain of the music industry. Learn about her musical journey as a student of NIDA and her experience as Kim in the Chatswood amateur production of Miss Saigon. We chat about how she gave Lea Salonga a tour around the Opera House and her experience. How she mentally prepared for the Lea Salonga concert as a support artist. How to create your own show - Do a show that is true to you - Find songs that you love and weave a story around it - Open yourself up to people and be vulnerable -  Have a team that you trust What were the struggles creating the show - Budgeting and marketing   Make sure you support Veronica and her friends: State of Mind Vanguard Newtown 18th of November, 2015   Things we chat about: The power of Instagram Follow Veronica   Lea Salonga Jeepney owned by Nicole Ponseca Clarissa Bock Blessie Follow me Tina Bangel on instagram for the 21day singing challenge which starts on the 21st of November 2015   You may also like the blog posts I mentioned in the podcast The art of celebrating your wins – Inspired by Ms Lea Salonga 6 ways to deal with Haters, Critics and Judgemental people   Email to be a guest on the podcast
Ep 008 How to attract more students, boost your student retention and make running your studio easier!
Ep 008 How to attract more students, boost your student retention and make running your studio easier!
Chantelle Duffield is the founder of Studio Expansion and works with performing arts studio owners to help them attract more students, boost their student retention and make running their studio easier! Through her online courses and her popular video blog, Studio Expansion TV, she has helped thousands of studio owners around the world share their passion for performing and the life changing benefits of the performing arts with more students! Here are the questions I asked: Tell us about what you do?Tell us about your musical upbringing, have you always wanted to sing and how it comes about?I love seeing your photos of you conducting at the opera house, tell us about that and how you got involved?How did you make the transition from owning a successful studio to what you do now?What are the things you did as a studio owner that you felt were "failures" but helped you grow to where you are now?What are your marketing tips for people starting out their own studio?What are some tips people can do now to increase your students?What is one song that has changed your life?How can people connect with you? HOW TO ATTRACT MORE STUDENTS: Chantelle suggests: Creating an event where people can connect with you and your communityCreate a Leadpage where you can create a landing page that collects emails and leads: (This is an affiliate link so if you decide to get Leadpages I will receive a commission from the sales) Create a nurture sequence of emails that offer educational tips and position you as an authority using Mailchimp.   Once you have attracted a student to your door or phone we chat about how to make an enquiry “all about the student”.   How you can start making the right connection with the potential student by asking the right questions and finding out who they are and what they would like to achieve. Ask them 4 questions like: How old are you?Who do you like listening to?What do you want to achieve with singing?What are your singing challenges? One tip to attract more students is to start marketing and promoting your classes or boot camp 6-8 weeks before they start. Ways to promote your event creating consistent nudges and taps via Facebook Ads and School Newsletters.   HOW TO RETAIN STUDENTS: Solidify the connection before asking them to re- enroll Sending postcards focusing on what they are Thriving on, what they need to work on and giving encouragement.     WAYS TO RUN YOUR STUDIO EASIER: We dive into: How to create a successful choir How to grow your studio and what happens when you fear success. How to map out your year How Chantelle plans 6 months in advance Chantelle’s tips are: “Do the marketing and don’t get stuck doing the day to day – don’t check your inbox straight away” Create systems so that your studio runs smoother - Establish Auto responders Keeping track of the 4 quadrants at the beginning of each week: Retention, Attraction, Team and Systems Please visit For the Free mini course: 30 Enrolments in 30 Days   What was mentioned on this podcast: Star Maker Accelerator Live event Lisa Messenger Rick Barker Bobbie Brown Makeup Alphie Sadsad Fideliz Cruz Lauren Sol & Co Lionel Cole   Outro Music: Our Cafe
Ep 007 How an energy healer can help build your singing confidence
Ep 007 How an energy healer can help build your singing confidence
I use singing as my way of releasing my frustrations and expressing myself. It’s a way to calm me and I enjoy the spiritual feeling I get from it. It must be the deep breathing and the centering. But what happens when singing is your job and sometimes you always fall sick before an important gig. Over the years, through dealing with students and professional singers, I had noticed that the first thing to go is the voice. What happens when you can’t overcome performance anxiety no matter how much you practice. This is where Melissa Zammit, of Pure Energy Therapies, comes in. This is just another resource that you can use to overcome performance anxiety or to prepare yourself for gigs, mentally and physically. Melissa is a fully qualified Energetic Healing practitioner. (Diploma of Energetic Healing). She has a background in Cancer Nursing and experience as a Clinical Nurse Consultant working directly with woman with Breast Cancer. Melissa and I first met at a Marie Forleo’s B-school gathering and from the moment I met her I was drawn to her work. This energy healing is not to replace any medical professional advice.  I know you will get a lot of practical tips within this interview to help you as a performer. We chat about her work and how it has helped many people, her gift of seeing spirits, which angel to call upon to help clear blockages, and the affirmations and techniques (EFT) that will help you to manifest the performance you want. Here are my questions and what you will learn:   Tell us about what you do? What is energy?  How can your work help singers and performers? What are some ways that someone at home can clear their own energy so they can be more confident? How to clear blocked energy through Chakra meditation? Related Glands | organs | Colour | Musical Note Pineal | Crown | Purple |  Note B Pituitary | 3rd eye | Violet | Note A Thyroid | Throat | Blue | Note G Thymus | Heart | Green | Note F Pancreas | Solar Plexus | Yellow | Note E Spleen | Stomach | Orange |  Note D Gonads | Base | Red | Note C   What, where and is the throat Chakra and How can you clear the throat chakra? How do you know that you have a blocked throat Chakra? I remember having a chat to you during our B-school meet up and you mentioned you see spirits? Tell us about the first time you saw one and what is their purpose? How can someone tap into that side of their being? The fear of being heard or seen can be very powerful that it can hold some people down or stop people from going for their dreams - if we don't have access to a energy healer how can a parent or a coach help someone from overcoming that fear?   Connect with Melissa: Website| Facebook |   Sponsor: Rick Barker of Music Industry Blueprint   To book for the Star Maker Accelerator live event:   Music Credit: Tina Bangel Tomorrow it’ll be a better day
Ep 006 How to generate income as a dancer/performer with Joel Fuentes Gallarde & Emeroy Bernardo
Ep 006 How to generate income as a dancer/performer with Joel Fuentes Gallarde & Emeroy Bernardo
The art of thinking outside the box with Joel Fuentes Gallarde  & Emeroy Bernardo    Joel  Gallarde  & Emeroy Bernardo have thepassion and drive for dance that they naturally think outside the box.  I enjoyed listening to their journey as they find ways to monetise their love for dance and create pathways to inspire others along the way. Like most Filipino children they were encouraged to dance for family gatherings and was drawn to the applause, community and lifestyle dance offered. We dive into how they started making a living from dance. Emeroy, successfully sells online dance lessons through Udemy and has exciting plans to creating an app for dancers, which could potentially bleed into other avenues.  Joel has a thriving company that has expanded Internationally.  All developed through stepping out of his comfort zone connecting with Influencers and the movers and shakers of the dance world. If you want to learn more on how they are creating big waves in the dance world today I invite you to listen to the whole podcast as you go about your day (driving to work with Ads and mindless chatter can be a bore) Performers and singers can take away some nuggets too! I certainly did!  If you enjoyed this or know of someone who can benefit from what we spoke about please share, like or comment on the post. They answer questions like: §  When did you know you wanted to dance for a living?  §  Individually you have turned your love for dance into a thriving business. What did first steps did you do to generate income for yourself? §  How do you keep yourself motivated? §  What are your tips for anyone who what's to make a full time living as a dancer? §  What do you see in the future for dance? §  Making money from dance? What is your advice when asking for a talent fee? §  What is One Song that changed your life?   Joel Fuentes Gallarde chats about his company and projects. The Company of University Dancers (CUDZ) was founded by Joel Fuentes Gallarde in 2001 at The University of Auckland, New Zealand. The group has extended its services beyond the student community & now is one of the most well established Hip Hop / Urban dance companies in Australasia.    VISION STATEMENT “Empowerment of all people through our passion & commitment in the Performing Arts”   Through the years, TRiPLe8FuNk has been featured in a number of major events including Carnival Choreographer’s Ball (Sydney), Coca-Cola Christmas in The Park (Auckland), Poreotic's Tic Tic Tour II (Melbourne), Tokyo Tower Showcase (Japan), Boogiezone International Showcase (Los Angeles), and many more. They have toured a number of cities worldwide and have organized a few dance events such as concerts, workshops and after-parties for international touring artists. The company aims for excellence & believes in teamwork, discipline, artistic innovation, & community involvement. They create a funky flavour to the latest dance styles. So from the cool ‘old skool’ to the hot ‘new skool’, groovin’ to the freshest beats is what they do best! You can find Joel at : IG: @joel.gallarde   Emeroy Bernardo is a leader in personal transformation and a leader in the areas of health and fitness, personal productivity, and personal development. He's praised for zen leadership style combined with his passionate vision to guide others become their best selves whether it's through fitness or dance classes. Emeroy's greatest victory wasn't just gaining control of his health, but overcoming his own ego and anger after being sent to jail and nearly losing his family.   Aside from coaching and teaching, Emeroy love's spending time with his family and friends as well as perform and compete with his dance company. I was so glad that I had met Emeroy through SOGA and I was thrilled when there were more members in the arts. He talks about his growth and experiences in your life and business since joining. He also shares how he has generated income through online courses untilizing Udemy and his App creation.   Blog: IG, twitter: @emeroyb Fb: Sequence: My dance crew's ig: @familybizness  Links to all Emeroy's courses on udemy:   This Episode is brought to you by my EP "Be Heard" Be Heard on iTunes Be heard on Smule Outro song: Dorothy Ruby Shoes on iTunes People we mentioned: What and who we mentioned:   Tiana Canterbury:   Mike Champion:
Ep 005 The One Voice of Amanda Easton
Ep 005 The One Voice of Amanda Easton
Amanda describes her new music as loungey electronic pop, combining old fashioned melodies with post-modern sounds. Easton's third commercial release, the new 5-song EP 'Out of the Blue' was recorded in various studios in Sydney's Inner West by UK Music Producer Matt Sladen and was wholly financed by crowdfunding through Amanda has released two self-penned albums before this, with two singles from her self-titled debut earning Top 10 positions in the Australian independent (AIR) music charts. Her music videos and live performances have graced television screens on The Kerri-Anne Show, Bert Newton, Denis Drysdale Show as well as ‘V’ and ‘MTV’ and recently the Morning show. She’s performed for the who’s who of Australian corporations and twice at the ARIA awards. She’s appeared onstage as backing vocalist for some of our best loved musical legends including Glenn Shorrock, Powderfinger, Marcia Hines, James Reyne and Vanessa Amarosi and has toured exensively with multi-platinum artists Richard Clapton and Wendy Matthews. Amanda continues to perform in venues around Sydney including regular appearances at The Basement at Circular Quay as well as the Taronga Zoo Twilight Series. Some people might know Amanda as a ‘PopTart’ – as well as running showcases for females singer songwriters for almost 10 years, she produced and hosted her own 13 episode TV Series called ‘PopTarts TV’ for TVS in Sydney and Channel 31 in Melbourne. We chat about: 1.     Her first launch 2.     How she got creative during her launch 3.     How she built her team for the launch 4.     What team you need to launch your album 5.     How to be your own record company 6.     Be aware of highs and lows that can come your way How to deals with Reviews 8.     Crowd Funding and House Concerts 9.     How to hire a Publicist 10.How she balances family, music: -       Gyms at least 3 times a week -       Doesn’t party -       Not shouting above loud music -       Learnt what is good for her -       The fast diet 5/2   Be sure to watch her new show on 23rd July 2015 Ladies sing the blues at the Sydney Opera House Tickets on sale:   You can follow Amanda at : Music Credit for Intro and Outro: New Bohemians Remix If you would like to start your first Album here is a free Cheatsheet:
Ep 004 The One Voice of Karly Nimmo
Ep 004 The One Voice of Karly Nimmo
Karly Nimmo is the host of very popular business podcast Karlosophies After a seriously bad haircut (a ‘frullet’) from an evil hairdresser who, after revealing his disaster, dared to mutter the words ‘There! Now you have the perfect head for radio!’, Karly decided she was far too attractive to continue in radio land. It was time for a change. While her stunning looks made her an obvious choice for a life in front of the camera, her nous for business, warm vocal abilities, terrible haircut and emotionally scarring from said hairdresser, led her straight to the recording booth. She has voiced, and co-ordinated projects for big names… like Telstra, NAB, Panasonic, Sensis, McAfee, Jims, Ebay and Brambles. In addition, Karly has narrated a 26 part television series, can be heard in schools Australia wide via electronic whiteboards and has played many a character in children’s software programs. Her friendly, unpatronising and well rounded sound makes her ideal for learning – at both an adult and children’s level.   While her once hideous hair cut is these days just a distant memory, the emotional scarring remains… she is destined to be behind the mic (and behind the business) and, thankfully, that is where she’ll remain.   It's difficult to put someone like Karly Nimmo into just one box.  At her very core, Karly is a connector, communicator and creator.  She also wears hats as a small business mentor, mastermind facilitator, voice over artist and agent, keen podcaster and writer, but above all, a devoted and loving mother. Oh and she's funny as all hell.     We chat about:   1. How she got started as a voice over artist 2. How she prepares for her Voice over work? 3. Who are her mentors and who she draws inspiration from?  4. How to create a portable sound booth 5. Advice would you give to someone who is looking into using their voice as a career.      Karly’s tips to becoming a Voice over Artist   1.     Try getting experience on community Radio 2.     Be proactive Source work 3.     Access to a studio 4.     Have equipment 5.     Be available 6.     Be committed and consistent   Equipment   1.     Blue Yeti 2.     USB mic – that Plugs and Plays 3.     Software – Garageband,  Audacity is free thank can edit 4.     Space – acoustic form room Anything to soften the space even your wardrobe 5.     Pop filter 6.     Headphones – anything that’s closed, be aware of 7.     Portabooth – IKEA boxes lined with mattress foam   You can connect with Karly at :   Websites and Rescources   Lewis Howes - The School of Greatness   Johnathon Fields – The good life project   Kassandra Bibas - She runs the show   B-school -With Marie Forleo