Ep 016 How to be awesome without Alcohol

One Voice can change the world with Tina Bangel

18-05-2016 • 52 mins

I met Caitlin during Selena Soo’s Get Known Get Clients live event in New York. Caitlin has this gift of capturing the room when she speaks. She is smart, a dedicated soul, an inspiration! You can see the passion she has for her work in her eyes and she genuinely wants to help others become better versions of themselves.

Caitlin Padgett is a lifestyle coach for successful women who struggle with alcohol. Whether the goal is to control their drinking through moderation techniques or to eliminate it completely, she offers an individualised program for women find freedom from alcohol, on their own terms.

Here is what we talk about:

  • Caitlin tells us about her powerful work, how did it came about and what was the pivotal time in her life when she decided enough is enough?

  • What are strategies that creative people can tap into their “zone” without having to turn to alcohol?

  • How to deal with friends or letting go of people that don't serve your purpose in life, what would you say to someone who is afraid to let go of what they know and who they know?

  • Dialog that people can use at the work place or events so they can feel comfortable in situations where they are encouraged to drink?

  • There are people who use alcohol to unwind after work or a gig, Caitlin suggest for people to do when they have the urge to use alcohol.

  • What is the song that changed your life and why?

For many years Caitlin felt like she was living a double life.

On the outside, she was an accomplished international advocate, living a jet-set lifestyle that took her around the world working on interesting projects. She projected confidence and a sense of adventure and fun. Yet inside she was struggling.

She was making good money, but spending a ton on after work cocktails, late nights out, bottles of wine as nightcaps, not to mention the pharmaceuticals she thought she needed to keep anxiety and sleeplessness at bay. For years she had been hiding from myself, it was becoming harder to do so. Looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t ignore the effects of drinking too much the night before.

But she discovered...

You can redefine your relationship to alcohol, instead of it defining you.

Caitlin says;

“ I now have a life worth remembering every second of.

A life that I WANT.

Instead of copious amounts on bottles of wine, bubbly and cocktails,
I spend money on delicious, nourishing food.

Instead of hazy hungover mornings turning into wasted days,
I wake up with energy, clarity and enthusiasm.

Instead of numbing out stress, anxiety or accumulative shame,
I feel and I deal, and I know that I can handle whatever comes my way.

Instead of intimacy instigated with liquid courage,
I have deeply meaningful intimate relationships

Instead of “pre-gaming” with my girlfriends by downing a bottle (or two) of bubbly before even heading out the door,
I have beautiful rituals that allow my inner beauty to shine. People say I glow!

She goes on to say;

“It’s possible for you to have a life you want too.

You can have control over your relationship with alcohol. Life doesn’t have to be messy, overly dramatic, or filled with nagging anxiety and self-doubt. While there’s no magic pill, no quick fix, there is a way.

A way that honours and celebrates your individuality.”

If this is what you want, then connect with Caitlin here:

Sign up here to receive Caitlin’s three-part “Drink Less Success” Video series and as a special bonus you’ll also be the first to receive her

“How to be awesome without alcohol” video training as soon as it is released!!

This video series is especially relevant to those of us who rely on networking and being active in nightlife for the success of our careers. I know you’ll get a lot out of it!


You can get her book here:

Drink Less Be More: How to have a great night (and life!) without getting wasted


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