Preparing Your Business for Gen Z

TransUnion Business Insights

07-10-2021 • 17 mins

Generation Z will soon become the biggest cohort of UK consumers, wielding immense spending power and influencing the direction of digital platforms. This podcast discusses TransUnion’s Q3 2021 Consumer Pulse research, that found demand for credit is rising for younger consumers: 42% of Gen Z and 34% of Millennials plan to apply for credit compared to just 9% of Baby Boomers With those Gen Zers planning to apply for credit most likely to use credit cards, with over one in three looking to apply for a new card The rise in credit card providers, new forms of credit such as Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL), and emergence of subscription service models, indicate that Generation Zs behaviours are beginning to reshape the financial landscape. Listen to hear more on Gen Z and how FinTechs, and lenders more broadly, can work with them and foster loyalty. Our expert guests are:  * Steve Wishart. Head of FinTech, TransUnion UK  * Kelli Fielding. Managing Director of Consumer Markets, TransUnion UK    ** This episode references one of the reports available to download now from our website:    ** TransUnion sponsored The Economist Intelligence Unit to conduct a global survey of 1,610 executives — delving into their mindsets and perceptions around fraud, security and commerce trends in the digital domain.   New Dimensions of Change: Building trust in a digital consumer landscape report, created by The Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by TransUnion is available to download now on our website:     *Source: Generation Z: the new face of financial power | The Independent | The Independent