#118: Sleep Tips For Stronger Bones & Optimal Health. Get Better Sleep TONIGHT w/ Mollie Eastman + BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia

The Bone Coach Osteoporosis & Bone Health Podcast

23-05-2024 • 45 mins

BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore why we need sleep for stronger bones and optimal health is Mollie Eastman.

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Topics Covered

0:00 - Episode start
2:23 - Meet today’s guest, Mollie Eastman
4:20 - Importance of sleep for bone health, including risks related to fractures and impaired bone formation
4:56 - The circadian rhythm and its effects on sleep, health, mood, and physique
11:45 - The role of light and the suprachiasmatic nucleus in sleep
17:19 - Why a dark room is essential for proper sleep
19:58 - Recommendations on using night lights and other light sources during sleep
24:03 - Impact of screen time and light exposure before sleep
26:57 - Melatonin's role in sleep regulation and other factors affecting its production
31:53 - Addressing undiagnosed sleep disorders and the need for testing, especially in postmenopausal women
34:31 - Sleep-related gadgets and alternative solutions for sleep disorders
40:47 - Where to find more about Mollie Eastman and her work on sleep

Resources Mentioned
Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
=>> https://bonecoach.com/mollie-eastman-sleep-better-strong-bones

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