#107: Algae For Strong Bones? w/ ENERGYbits Catharine Arnston + BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia

The Bone Coach Osteoporosis & Bone Health Podcast

01-02-2024 • 1 hr

BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia -Joining us today to explore algae and its benefits for your health and bones is Catharine Arnston.

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Topics Covered
- Episode start
1:22 - Get to know our guest, Catharine Arnston
3:04 - Her journey into algae research following her sister's breast cancer diagnosis
3:46 - Alkaline diet's role in maintaining bone minerals
5:10 - Challenges in increasing vegetable intake and how algae offers a convenient solution
6:50 - Algae as an eco-friendly, sustainable crop and its global significance
10:05 - The difference between microalgae and macroalgae
12:27 - The benefits and properties of spirulina and chlorella
15:59 - Overview of algae's nutritional profile, including protein content, vitamins, and minerals
17:41 - How spirulina supports cellular energy, bone and brain health, and mitochondrial function
27:50 - The role of chlorella’s cell wall in nutrient absorption
33:44 - Chlorella's chlorophyll-rich profile and its wellness benefits
37:59 - How alkalinity influences bone density
41:02 - Vitamin K2 in algae and its significance for calcium regulation and bone health
44:45 - Recommended daily intake of spirulina and chlorella
52:43 - The importance of balancing algae intake with other food groups for holistic nutrition
57:51 - Final remarks, discount code, and resources on ENERGYbits®

Resources Mentioned
Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
=>> https://bonecoach.com/algae-for-strong-bones-catharine-arnston

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