#117: Osteoporosis & Allostatic Load: Improve Bone Building, Prevent Bone Loss w/ Dr. Christine Smith + BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia

The Bone Coach Osteoporosis & Bone Health Podcast

09-05-2024 • 47 mins

BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore understanding allostatic load to improve bone building and prevent bone loss is Dr. Christine Smith.

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Topics Covered
- Episode start
2:30 - An overview of Dr. Christine Smith's professional background
3:39 - Her personal health challenges and transition into holistic medicine
8:40 - The most important thing to understand about your body's healing process
12:47 - The concept of allostatic load and its impact on bone health and osteoporosis
17:41 - The significance of organ interaction in the body, with a focus on the bones
22:58 - The most overlooked part of healing and healthcare
24:16 - How regenerative medicine works and its benefits
30:32 - The power of meditation and advice for beginners
36:08 - Common issues Dr. Smith's patients face and how she helps resolve them
43:32 - Where to find Dr. Christine Smith and her resources

Resources Mentioned
Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
=>> https://bonecoach.com/dr-christine-smith-osteoporosis-depth-wellness

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