#99: Learn How To Heal From Betrayal w/ Dr. Debi Silber + BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia

The Bone Coach Osteoporosis & Bone Health Podcast

06-12-2023 • 28 mins

BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore betrayal and its impact on your health and your bones is Dr. Debi Silber.

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Topics Covered
- Episode start
1:21 - Introduction to our special guest, Dr. Debi Silber
2:18 - Dr. Silber's journey into studying betrayal and its personal impact on her
3:38 - Discoveries from Dr. Silber's study on betrayal and post-traumatic growth
5:08 - The concept of the Post Betrayal Syndrome and its symptoms, including statistics from Dr. Silber's quiz
9:25 - In-depth walkthrough of the five stages of healing from betrayal
18:14 - Exploring reconciliation with the betrayer and the importance of healing choices
20:25 - Discussion on fear of new betrayals and consequences of avoiding healing
21:30 - Practical advice for individuals on starting the healing process
24:57 - More on moving forward and healing from betrayal experiences
26:08 - Where to find Dr. Silber: How she helps people and where to reach her
27:30 - The Post Betrayal Syndrome quiz and its relevance

Resources Mentioned
Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
=>> https://bonecoach.com/how-to-heal-from-betrayal-dr-debi-silber

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