Episode 199: Evil Harvest Updates - Interview with Karin Wilkinson

Bible Mysteries

19-08-2024 • 50 mins

Episode 199: Evil Harvest Updates - Interview with Karin Wilkinson

Show Notes Summary:
Karin Wilkinson is an author, lecturer, and researcher who has been featured in LA Marzulli’s film The Coming UFO Invasion: Exposing the Dragon’s Dark Secrets. Karin is a saved believer in Christ and has had the experience of being abducted multiple times since childhood. She is a wife, mother, and grandmother who worked in the tech industry for many years before retiring to raise her family. Karin’s book *Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest, A True Account of Lifelong Alien Abduction and the Evil Alien Agenda is one of the most fascinating and revealing accounts of alien abduction I have ever read. Karin joins us again on Bible Mysteries to updates on her ministry and the reaction to her book.

*Warning: Some of the material in this book may be disturbing including references to alien abduction, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, trauma, kidnapping, child grooming, and child abuse.

Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.

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Amy Carwile, Steven Dike, Kelsey Cole, Sarah Albrecht, and Holly Simon (July 2024)

Questions for Karin:

  1. Tell us how you’ve been and what has been going on as you travel and appear on different interviews and at seminars.
  2. What kind of reaction are you getting from other abductees you meet across the country?
  3. Has your book had any impact on the disclosure community in Washington DC that you are aware?
  4. How much pushback have you encountered from those who believe a non-Christian perspective of the UFO phenomenon, i.e., “benevolent space brother”?
  5. Do you have a sense that recent current events are revealing further disclosure or increasing deception?
  6. Are you in communication with other abductees that sense an increasing presence or increase in visitations as time goes on, or is the phenomenon decreasing?
  7. What are your future plans to raise awareness of abductions? Another book? Other projects?

Karin’s Testimony:
“First of all, I am a born again, spirit filled Christian.  Glory to God!
I was first born again at 18, then later I fell away.  I have studied many religions and was even sucked into the new age movement for a while, but God brought me back into the fold like the prodigal son.  I am so grateful!

I have been abducted since as early as I can remember, and hundreds of times.  I have experienced sleep paralysis, traveling through windows and walls, etc. When I call on the name of Jesus, the abductions stop. When I was not born again, or fallen away, the abductions continued.

I have lost at least three confirmed pregnancies to the alien entities.  I have been visited by them, but as this is in LA’s 4th movie, I prefer not to speak about details until the movie is out there. I will speak about the seed war and the pregnancies being taken.

It is a very isolating life.  It’s not a club you want to be in, and there really is no place for people to go to share, to learn how to stop it, or to just feel accepted.

I do not subscribe to the ancient alien theory.  We were not seeded by “these elder races.” We are the creation of the one and only Yahweh.  These are not benevolent space brothers, these are demonic entities.
I was part of a breeding program  I was taken aboard ships and to underground facilities. I saw both humans and non-human entities during my abduction experiences (Greys, tall blondes, insect looking creatures and a lizardy one, for example)

I have had a near death experience. I have had an angelic encounter. I have seen UAP/UFOs. I am Rh-negative O blood type and have green eyes. My family were Masons and I was inducted into the “Rainbow Girls” in my teens. There is a lot of suspicious family history – but that is a conversation for another day.

I have suffered emotional and physical ailments and have had surgeries due to the things these evil entities did to me.  A hysterectomy, removal of tumors, and eight spinal reconstruction surgeries, to name a few.

I have been asked, how can I have so much faith in God after all that, and my answer is this… My suffering is nothing compared to the sacrifice and suffering of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  He saves me every second of every day, and I intend to utilize my experiences to glorify God, to share the truth, and to help others in any way I can.”

We believe these abductions are real, and we include Karin’s testimony as evidence of her credibility. Karin has a sincere desire to expose what the adversary is doing to deceive humanity. A great deception is coming, and we continue to gain understanding as to how the Serpent plans to bring this about thanks to the experiences of Karin and many others. We are grateful to Karin for sharing such powerful evidence to Satan’s devices.

Karin’s book Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest is available at https://lamarzulli.net/store/

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