How to Build A Low-Sales Touch Enterprise-Grade Security Company with Bence Jendruszak, Cofounder of Hungarian Startup Seon Fraud Fighters

The European Startup Show

01-12-2021 • 27 mins

  • [01:53] What convinced you to begin yet another online fraud prevention company?
  • [4:52] How did you structure your product, your team, and other aspects of your company to get quick time-to-value, your core promise to customers?
  • [11:59] Could you tell us more about your hybrid model of sales?
  • [15:15] How easy is it to start a tech company in Hungary? And what are the biggest challenges of setting up a company and running it from Hungary?
  • [17:26] Beyond product and unit economics, what else do you think a startup needs to do for a successful fundraise?
  • [19:52] Could you share your insights on some of the latest fraud trends?
  • [24:34] Rapid round: Favourite book, productivity tool, city and quote


Company: Seon

Book: 48 laws of power