It’s Not Just Numbers

Marcello Seri, Marit van Straaten

A podcast on mathematics and its human side. In a conversation with mathematicians, we address some common stereotypes and misconceptions, giving space to the people of mathematics. Each episode will start by getting to know the guests, their research, their drive and what they do outside mathematics. In the second half of the episode we will discuss together some theme related to mathematics and mathematicians. The podcast is produced by Marcello Seri and Marit van Straaten. Opinions are our own. read less


S1E04 - Talking maths to strangers, with Julian Koellermeier and Roland van der Veen
S1E04 - Talking maths to strangers, with Julian Koellermeier and Roland van der Veen
Welcome to our fourth episode, on public engagement with mathematics. Sitting with us are Julian Koellermeier and Roland van der Veen, which will share what drove them to mathematics and their deep passion for engaging with adults and kids outside our university bubble. We will discuss the importance of time and reflection, the role of grants in our research, the many advantages of learning how to communicate mathematics to broader audiences despite the lack of support of it. Episode links: Julian Koellermeier's website: ⁠ van der Veen's website: ⁠http://rolandvdv.nlRoland's book on the Riemann hypothesis:'s pearls (Note by Roland: the amazing book I wrote by bachelor's thesis about):'s PhD defense dance demonstration: If you liked this episode, please spread the voice sharing it with your friends or on your social media. = = = { 0 } = = = Produced by Marcello Seri and Marit van Straaten = = = { 0 } = = = Illustrations by Henrieke Krijgsheld The podcast soundtrack is derived from the royalty free track Starving by OctoSound and used in agreement with pixabay license We are grateful to the Faculty of Science and Engineering of the University of Groningen for allowing to use its podcast recording facilities for this episode
S1E03 - Teaching mathematics, with Tamás Görbe and Cecília Salgado
S1E03 - Teaching mathematics, with Tamás Görbe and Cecília Salgado
Welcome to our third episode, on teaching mathematics. Sitting with us are Tamás Görbe and Cecília Salgado, which will share their enthusiasm for mathematics and for teaching. The discussion is broad and ranges to a number of themes that will overlap also with future episodes. We will discuss the impostor phenomenon or impostor syndrome, how it affected us in different ways and in different stages of our careers, and how this relates to our approaches to teaching. The enthusiasm of our guests is contagious and I hope it will transpare from the recording! Episode links: Tamás Görbe website:ília Salgado website: Kleon, Steal like an artist: Ardila (2016) Todos Cuentan: Cultivating Diversity in Combinatorics, Notices of the AMS 63(10) 1164-1170, E. Wieman (2014) Large-scale comparison of science teaching methods sends clear message, PNAS 111 (23) 8319-8320, Drori et al. (2022) A neural network solves, explains, and generates university math problems by program synthesis and few-shot learning at human level, PNAS 119 (32) e2123433119, If you liked this episode, please spread the voice sharing it with your friends or on your social media. = = = { 0 } = = = Produced by Marcello Seri and Marit van Straaten = = = { 0 } = = = Illustrations by Henrieke Krijgsheld The podcast soundtrack is derived from the royalty free track Starving by OctoSound and used in agreement with pixabay license We are grateful to the friends of FSE Radio for allowing us to use their equipment for this recording. Consider giving their podcast a go: