#69: Laying the building blocks for health and happiness

Women's Health Unwrapped

30-01-2024 • 41 mins

Today we’re joined by Laura Pearman who wants to share a tale of caution, and joy. Laura is an entrepreneur who found herself caught up in the hustle mentality of being self-employed: trying to prove yourself and building a sustainable business. She was passionate and enthusiastic, living life fast to make the most of everything she had and wanted to achieve.

Until Laura hit a health crisis. Not just once but several times. Only when she was diagnosed with Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), a disorder related to high pressure in the brain, did Laura start to realise the way she was living wasn’t optimising her happiness. But it took more ill-health before the big shifts really started to happen.

In our conversation we share:

  • How the beliefs you hold dictate the way you push yourself and strive for success.
  • The risks of not tuning in with how you are feeling.
  • How burnout showed up and why Laura kept moving on despite hitting it several times.
  • The shift that talk therapy had and the key penny-drop moment it gave.
  • Why you need solid foundations with the right building blocks for you.
  • The power of understanding your own values and building blocks for good health.
  • Making changes and building new habits that become a part of who you are.
  • The role play and fun have on your wellbeing and happiness.
  • Taking a holistic approach to strong health and wellbeing.

About Laura:

Laura works with experts who want to build their authority so that they can create impact, legacy and leave an indelible mark in their industry.

Connect with Laura:




Get Laura's free entrepreneur tool: What's your secret brand ownership style?

About Life Now Coaching:

We believe everyone would love to live a better life and we know that by putting the right healthy habits into your daily routines and lifestyle, you can truly create the type of life you'll love living every day. We want you to stop waiting for one day and make today the day you begin taking better care of yourself so you can feel healthy, happy and strong. Life Now Coaching supports you to build sustainable healthy habits using our successful framework of mindset, movement, nutrition, sleep and stress.


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