#71: It's never too late to create a life you love

Women's Health Unwrapped

13-02-2024 • 53 mins

Have you ever felt like it’s too late to change? Is there a point in life where it’s simply not possible to change your health and habits?

Today’s guest firmly believes that it’s never too late to make any change that you might want to feel healthier and live a life without limits. Gayla Beyer is a health and wellness coach who in her early sixties decided it was time to pivot from her long career in healthcare as a nurse practitioner so that she could feel more fulfilled and look forward to an exciting new chapter in her life.

Gayla shares so much about her journey through life getting to know who she is on the inside, and why this is something that she’s now helping other women to do so that they too can embrace all that the retirement season of life offers and know it’s never too late to build better health.

In this episode we explore:

  • The power of being self-aware.
  • Why taking time to understand what you need is so important to your wellbeing.
  • How normal it is to doubt your ability to change and how to not let this limiting belief hold you back.
  • The mini-retreats that Gayla has used throughout her life to nurture herself.
  • The different ways that you can begin to get clear on what it is you really need to feel your life is fulfilling you.
  • What’s driving the shift away from the typical approach and perception of retirement.
  • How valuable strong health is to open up limitless possibilities for living a full life.
  • Tips for creating a life that you love, at any stage of your life.

About Gayla:

Gayla is a seasoned nurse practitioner who pivoted from her medical career in 2021 to embark on a new journey as a health and wellness coach. Specialising in guiding women through the stages of retirement, Gayla's passion is helping them embrace this life change.

At the heart of her coaching program, "Retire Your Limits," are three foundational and interconnected pillars and alongside this, she helps women plan and embark on personalised mini-retreats. These mini-retreats serve as a vital component of Gayla's holistic approach, providing a space for reflection, rejuvenation, and self-discovery.

Beyond coaching, Gayla shares her transformative message through her podcast - Retire Your Limits. With expert guests and stories of women moving into the next chapter on their terms, it’s a perfect source of empowerment and transformation.

Connect with Gayla:




About Life Now Coaching:

We believe everyone would love to live a better life and we know that by putting the right healthy habits into your daily routines and lifestyle, you can truly create the type of life you'll love living every day. We want you to stop waiting for one day and make today the day you begin taking better care of yourself so you can feel healthy, happy and strong. Life Now Coaching supports you to build sustainable healthy habits using our successful framework of mindset, movement, nutrition, sleep and stress.


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