#83: The power of your brain in stress and emotional regulation

Women's Health Unwrapped

07-05-2024 • 47 mins

Have you ever thought about hypnotherapy as a tool for personal growth and wellbeing? Or do you associate it only with entertainment and about controlling someone’s mind? Well if you do, this episode is for you!

Jill Whitehouse joins the podcast today to talk about using hypnotherapy to reduce stress, overwhelm, and anxiety and build resilience. Jill is a solution focused hypnotherapist working with adults and children and shares how hypnotherapy works, the role of the brain in stress, and the power of positive thinking.

We talk a lot about how much can be gained by understanding how your brain works and the win-win that happens when a parent and child use this type of therapy.

In our conversation we share:

  • What hypnotherapy is and how it helps you understand how your brain works.
  • What a trance is and how it’s used to access the subconscious part of the brain and come up with solutions for problems.
  • The brains two main areas: the intellectual part and the emotional part.
  • The power of being able to regulate your emotions.
  • Jill’s 3 P’s Model: Positive thinking, positive action, and positive interaction.
  • The effectiveness of using hypnotherapy for both adults and children in managing stress, anxiety, and building resilience.
  • Understanding the role of adrenaline and cortisol in the body can help manage anxiety.
  • Maintaining emotional balance and building resilience through rest and self-care.
  • Three steps for building habits to strengthen your resilience: taking deep breaths, doing things that make you feel good each day, and recognising the importance of rest.

About Jill:

Jill Whitehouse is a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist with a background of Primary Teaching and Senior Leadership roles.  She works with children and adults to support them to understand how the brain and body reacts to stress, anxiety and the events of daily life, and how we can use this knowledge to promote positive mental health strategies and behaviours.

Connect with Jill:




About Life Now Coaching:

We believe everyone would love to live a better life and we know that by putting the right healthy habits into your daily routines and lifestyle, you can truly create the type of life you'll love living every day. We want you to stop waiting for one day and make today the day you begin taking better care of yourself so you can feel healthy, happy and strong. Life Now Coaching supports you to build sustainable healthy habits using our successful framework of mindset, movement, nutrition, sleep and stress.


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