#74: Know this: Never doubt your impact as a woman

Women's Health Unwrapped

05-03-2024 • 33 mins

No International Women’s Day isn’t just another pointless awareness day; it is a pivotal moment to celebrate the achievements of women, promote gender equality, and drive meaningful change.

As we approach International Women’s Day 2024 this special solo episode with host Nicola is here to inspire you to know why you are a woman with power and impact.

Listen in as we inspire you to know your worth and power in impacting other women and girls to live healthy, happy and strong lives.

In this episode we open up about:

  • What International Women’s Day is about and why you need to celebrate and recognise this important awareness day.
  • The impact women in your life have had on you and taking a pause to think about who these women are for you.
  • Nicola’s story of the impact her Mother has had on her and the difference we need to be more aware of today in the role models we are as women.
  • The impact women have on their children and a personal story of Nicola’s daughter.
  • How being a role model is the biggest legacy you’ll give your kids.
  • Being part of a collective of women who are owning their power and the influence they have on others.
  • The importance of inspiring other women and girls on not just International Women’s Day but every day.
  • Knowing the power of even the smallest of your actions on others.

About Life Now Coaching:

We believe everyone would love to live a better life and we know that by putting the right healthy habits into your daily routines and lifestyle, you can truly create the type of life you'll love living every day. We want you to stop waiting for one day and make today the day you begin taking better care of yourself so you can feel healthy, happy and strong. Life Now Coaching supports you to build sustainable healthy habits using our successful framework of mindset, movement, nutrition, sleep and stress.


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