#78: Why brain health matters at every age

Women's Health Unwrapped

02-04-2024 • 53 mins

With cases of Dementia rising and more awareness becoming known about the lifestyle and hormonal factors that can increase your risk, we want to help you to understand the importance of good brain health.

We’re joined by Dementia Prevention Consultant, Donna De Villiers, to explore the link between hormonal health and brain health, and why women are at a much greater risk from Dementia than men.

In our conversation we explore:

  • The link between hormones and brain health.
  • The importance of protecting your brain alongside your heart and bone health.
  • Why women need to have more awareness of brain health and know the changes that menopause can have on your brain.
  • The beliefs we have about Dementia being an inevitable part of ageing.
  • The main lifestyle factors that can increase your Dementia risk.
  • Three key habits to build to support better brain health.
  • The mind body connection and the importance of checking in daily with what your body is telling you.
  • Whether HRT can help prevent Dementia and what to do if you can’t or don’t want to take HRT.

About Donna:

Donna is a Dementia Prevention Consultant, helping women reduce their risk factors of Dementia, and build beautiful brain health habits for a lifetime.

Along her journey she worked in Health and Social Care in many roles, including for the NHS and saw dementia for the first time. Without any previous experience of Dementia, Donna initially feared the disease, but as her experience grew, she learned that Dementia is a lifestyle disease. This was when her passion for raising awareness and helping people have quality of life over a mere existence was born.

Connect with Donna:




About Life Now Coaching:

We believe everyone would love to live a better life and we know that by putting the right healthy habits into your daily routines and lifestyle, you can truly create the type of life you'll love living every day. We want you to stop waiting for one day and make today the day you begin taking better care of yourself so you can feel healthy, happy and strong. Life Now Coaching supports you to build sustainable healthy habits using our successful framework of mindset, movement, nutrition, sleep and stress.


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