#52 You just have to decide to be happy - how to stop your misery - Interview with Nadine Faitas

Happiness Safari by Nadine

01-11-2022 • 43 mins

Hi, and welcome to the Happiness Safari Podcast!

My name is Nadine,

I help Nomad Entrepreneurs on their life journey to find themselves and create a positive mind & health set, so they don't burn out while reaching their goals!

On the Happiness Safari podcast, I interview entrepreneurs who changed their lives and found their happiness, purpose and freedom.

My mission is to make the world a better place! stop the suffering!

Usually on the Happiness Safari podcast I interview other people sharing their stories, but today I would like to share an episode where I share my story.

A really good friend of mine - Deborah Small interviewed me on her podcast - Deb Talks - How Implementing Spirituality into your daily life

And I want to share this episode with you.

From today's episode, you will learn.

✨ why happiness is a choice

✨how you can stop being depressed

✨how you can transform your life

✨why decisions are so powerful

✨why we want to feel sad or miserable

✨how your heart can expand endless

Links to the episode:

Deb Talks - How Implementing Spirituality into your daily life


Please let me know what you take away for yourself?

I look forward to your insights and thoughts on the episode. Feel free to comment on Instagram @nadineanneyoga.

From the bottom of my heart, I would love for you to share this episode with as many people as possible to help me make the world a happier place.

❤️If you feel inspired, please leave me a 5-star ⭐️ review and share the podcast with your friends.

Because happiness is the only thing that doubles when it's shared.

Retreat Bali 👉 https://happinessafari.com/event/bali/

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Website👉 https://happinessafari.com/

To learn more about 1:1 coaching, schedule a free happiness session with me.