Episode 35 Running Myths

Running Partners

02-06-2024 • 50 mins

This week we tackle a few running myths! You know the ones; running is bad for your knees, your back, you need loads of water to run, runners should breath through their nose etc etc! Alison has been doing the research to bust the myths and she shares her findings and we chat about this. Here are some links to the various articles and publications Alison talks about:

Effects of Running on the Development of Knee Osteoarthritis: An Updated Systematic Review at Short-Term Follow-up Dhillon et al 2023

BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil.

Lörinczi, et al

Almond et al (2005)

As always also go through our week of running and cover some recent race results, shout outs to listeners and some future topic suggestions. If you have any results you want us to cover or topics for future episodes, get in touch, or if you are interested in being coached by Paul, please email us or connect on any social media. We will back every Monday with a new episode and here is how you can connect with us to help build the running partners community;

email us at runningpartners@outlook.com

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