Is cycling treated fairly in the media? BBC AntiSocial goes cycling discussed with ‘the cyclist' + the future of indoor bike racing with IndieVelo's founder

The Podcast

02-05-2024 • 1 hr 4 mins

In episode 76 of the Podcast, we're talking about... another podcast! Well, we'd like to think it goes a bit deeper than that, because our discussion with Lauren O'Brien - representing 'the cyclist' in a recent debate title 'Should cyclists stay in their lane?' with researcher and journalist James Woudhuysen - delves into how cycling is generally portrayed in the non-cycling media. Do debates like this lead to progression, or just drag up disagreements that are already there? Was cycling fairly represented on the show? Tune in for a fascinating behind-the-scenes discussion.

In part 2, Dave sits down with George Gilbert, the founder of fledgling indoor cycling platform IndieVelo, and e-sports journalist Christopher Schwenker to discuss the progression of indoor cycling, and Indievelo itself.  What can be done to take cycling e-sports to the next level at the elite level, and where is virtual cycling heading for the rest of us? If you’re partial to riding indoors, this chat is well worth a listen.

PS: You may have also seen Tony’s blog about our decision to stop flying out to bike/product launches, and there’s a bit of an explainer from George on this between our two main segments. Enjoy!