#74 Changing plans, anticipatory grief and planning ahead

Conversations About Advance Care Planning

16-10-2023 • 11 mins

This is the last in a series of seven podcasts about End of Life Care, specifically towards the last days of life and when someone wishes to die at home. Rachel kindly agreed to make these with me and recreate some of the conversations I have had over so many years about dying at home, what you need to know and how to be prepared.

In this episode we talk about changing plans, anticipatory grief and being prepared.

Dying at home, what you need to know and how to be prepared

1. Recognising when someone might be approaching the last stages of life and why this matter

2. What support is available to help look after a person who is dying at home

3. What equipment might be needed to help look after a person who is dying at home

4. Symptom control and medication as someone approaches the end of life at home

5. What changes are there as someone approaches the end of life?

6. What we need to do after a person has died at home

7. Changing plans, anticipatory grief and being prepared

If you are a team looking to provide better end of life care, or set up a one off or complete education programme in end of life care head to www.speakformelpa.co.uk where I provide details on how I can help you. You will also find information about my Lasting Power of Attorney consultancy and the talks I offer for organisations.

If you enjoy the episode or learn something new, please consider buying me a coffee to go towards making more valuable podcasts: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/6nQVJqVgLY

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