Developing Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Part 3 – Debunking Stress Myths

Live the 8Wise™️ Way

26-01-2023 • 29 mins

Did you know that stress can be a factor in up to 75% of mental health issues, and is a contributing symptom to the six most common causes of death?

Many of us, particularly career-driven individuals, wear stress like a badge of honour. A stressful day at work is seen as a productive day, or maybe you feel like you’re motivated by stress.

Well this podcast episode is about to blow your mind on everything you think you know about stress!

As we continue our mini-series on identifying, creating and implementing healthy coping mechanisms, this episode takes a look at some of the common myths around stress, inspired by Andrew Bernstein’s 8 Deadly Myths About Stress.

We should be fighting stress, not celebrating it, and hopefully this podcast will help you reframe your understanding of it, and give you some of the tools to start managing stress better in your life.

Here are the highlights:

(01:13) Stress is NOT a mental health issue

(04:18) MYTH – stress comes from circumstance

(06:08) MYTH – stress is a motivator

(08:47) MYTH – some stress is good for you

(10:13) MYTH – without stress you would be bored

(12:11) MYTH – the best way to deal with stress is to exercise

(15:57) MYTH – stress is a choice

(18:02) MYTH – stress is inevitable

(20:39) MYTH – everyone is stressed

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