Top Method To Create High Converting Lookalike Audience On Facebook Ads (Post-iOS)

Online Marketing & Copywriting

23-01-2023 • 11 mins

For The On-Screen Tutorial Check Out The Video Here:

Discover How to Create A Top Converting Lookalike Facebook Ads Audience Post-IOS.

Since the fallout between Apple and Facebook...

iOS users can now opt out of Facebook tracking.

This has caused Facebook advertisers to lose so much data from their Facebook ads.

And now most Facebook advertisers are challenged with underperforming ads...

And find it difficult to use a good Facebook lookalike source.

However, all is not lost!

In this episode, I show you a method to create a high-converting lookalike audience that keeps all the data on the Facebook platform.

It's a method that you can easily create for a laser-targeted audience…

So that when you put an offer in front of these people they’ll be most likely to take that offer up at the lowest cost.

Now, this method uses a strategy that uses Facebook's Broad Interest targeting where you can learn more about this in detail here:

And as part of this strategy, I recommend you get as much data as you can with Facebook Interests where you can find out the New way to target Facebook Interests post-iOS:

But, the key to targeting on Facebook is about understanding the algorithm and learning to use inputs which I share more in detail here:

Are you ready to take your Facebook Ads to the next level?

If so...we can discuss how we can get you fantastic results...

With a 100% risk-free 30-minute Strategy Session below!

Get in touch with us here:

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