EP113: 6 Habits to become more VISIBLE

Life Beyond LImits

05-03-2024 • 26 mins

"You weren't born to fit into a box or shrink to fit into someone else's idea of success. You were born to stand out and be unapologetically YOU!

"Welcome to 'Life Beyond Limits,' where your journey to breaking barriers and unleashing your true potential begins. I'm Emma Gibbs-Ng, a multi-passionate Mumma, business coach, mentor, podcast host, keynote speaker, fitness fanatic, and a 46-year-old trailblazer who defies the norm and creates my best life doing things on my terms.

This week I'm sharing a snippet of a training I ran last week where I am riffing on how to stand out from the crowd and leave your mark on the world

We cap our success  by conforming & comparing to others and it’s all irrelevant.

What is meant for you is meant for YOU based on YOU - your human design, your desires, your lessons, your reason for being here.

When you force ourselves into a box or industry/system you suppress your creativity and uniqueness.

We are made to believe we all have to be the same and tick boxes for it to work but that’s conditioned bullshit!

YOU have something unique to offer and until you tap into that - it will create this feeling of unfulfilled frustration

The ultimate test is to trust in your desire enough to silence the ego distraction and follow your true calling/true path!

Which is what we dive into during this episode

When you master what we discuss today your business will explode - and I mean...

  • Crazy wild holy fu*k Moments
  • High cash days
  • Tony Robbins phone calls asking you to talk at his event
  • "I've got an idea, let’s do this" kinda offers that sell out before you end the live call.

Rebel Offers:

To honour International Womens Day  this FRIDAY @11am GMT  I am hosting a FREE Unleash Your Inner Rebel Masterclass designed to unlock the most powerful, unique and potent layers within you to help you to dominate 2024 and......
  • Create funky impulsive offers on a live and sell out before the call is over

    Ooze with confidence & feel as potent and powerful as Taylor swift

    Feel sexy, sassy and hot in your business and draw in attention from people say "who the fuck is she I want to be in her gang"

    Price your offers in a way that turns you on KNOWING that your people are goung to buy no matter what

    Have the courage & confidence to stop pleasing anyone and be so in tune with what your clients love and want that you naturally create offers that fly off the shelf within hours

    Build amazing communities of fun like minded souls who have a laugh, push boundaries, trust themselves, make adiacious goals and fucking own their brilliance.

    Move so potentially and powerfully that you draw people into your world as they want in on the action

All on your terms!!
Grab your FREE seat HERE

Stay Connected:


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Spread the Love:

Take a screenshot of this episode and tag me in on IG stories and I will share with my audience.

If you know anyone who needs to hear this episode, then please share it with them, the more ears we can get into the more lives we help to transform.

It would mean the world to me if you left a review and help me to reach more people.

Have the best week

Big Love

Em xx

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