EP108 4 habits that are stopping your from being seen and hitting 6 figures

Life Beyond LImits

24-01-2024 • 41 mins

"Welcome to 'Life Beyond Limits,' where your journey to breaking barriers and unleashing your true potential begins. I'm Emma Gibbs-Ng, a multi-passionate Mumma, business coach, mentor, podcast host, keynote speaker, fitness fanatic, and a 46-year-old trailblazer who defies the norm and creates my best life doing things on my terms.

This week I'm sharing with the 4 habits that are STOPPING you from being seen and hitting 6 figures
Everytime we hide, play small, retract or dilute ourselves we not only leave money on the table BUT we dilute our whole experience of life.
  • We dilute our impact,
  • Our results
  • The people we attract
  • The results we achieve
This is HUGE..........
When you learn how to tap into the courage, trust and confidence to show up as your authnetic self and see yourself as the value and embrace and leverage your personaliity OTHERS NOTICE!
Not only do the notice THEY FEEL IT and it is MAGNETIC!!!
AND when you are in this MAGNETIC energy it is POTENT
  • You attract more Sales
  • Dream Clients
  • More Opportunities
  • More results
This episode can change the game for you to achieving your 6 figure year.......

Other ways to EXPAND your income, influence and impact:

  • Instant Access to #Unfiltered: Gain instant access to 3 x 90 min Trainings and Integrration work and Unfiltered bonuses HERE
  • BE SEEN 3 part Masterclass:

    This is the year you become SEEN for you really are, take your power back, raise your standards, and make the kind of money you know you’re meant to make.

    Be Seen 3 part Masterclass is where you are going to:

  • Learn exactly who you need to be to at least double last year’s income
  • Become the person who sets high standards and prices and doesn’t waver in them
  • Detach from needing external validation to feel convicted within yourself
  • Raise the bar for the types of clients you are available for and be unapologetic about it
  • become solid in self belief and not waver when you see others doing things differently
  • Show up for yourself and hold your power regardless of what is going on

We go live at the end of Jan - Save 50% for a limited time and secure your place for just £99.00

- TRUST your Inner Rebel FREE Audio Training - Inside this FREE audio training you have access to 6 leading strategies to help you to deepen self trust, strengthen your confidence and unlock the inner rebel within. Download for free HERE

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If you know anyone who needs to hear this episode, then please share it with them, the more ears we can get into the more lives we help to transform.

And if you fancy leaving a review it would mean the world to me and will again help me to reach more people.

Have the best week

Big Love

Em xx

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