Small Bites - Go to bed angry

She's Not Crazy Podcast

14-03-2023 • 3 mins

In this podcast episode: We’ve all heard, never go to be angry. But, there’s a good reason to give yourself one night’s sleep to be more self-respecting and deliver a message that’s actually heard and understood.

She's Not Crazy Aaand...YOU'RE not CRAZY Either!

Are you exhausted from the pressures today's world puts on us for being perfect? Striving to be your best in relationships, friendships, family, dating, marriage, parenting, career, and - oh, and don't forget- looking physically perfect? I

t's enough to make anyone feel like you're going crazy.
If you're like millions of other "she's", you may feel confused by your mood, anxiety and feelings -- and how the heck to gain control and balance! Understanding your mind, mood, anxiety and feelings are the key to unlocking your greatest life.

Tap into the power of feeling balanced and living life on YOUR terms. Join thousands of other "she's" on a journey to have more peace, happiness, connection and authentic relationships.

When you feel balanced and feel in control, everything in your life works better.

Lauren Schifferdecker, TEDx speaker, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, will take you on a journey using a fresh approach for mental health hacks, humor, heart-felt stories and techniques that will inspire, educate and entertain you along the way! Unlock your greatest life today.

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