The Social Brain Podcast

Frances Barrett

Welcome to The Social Brain Podcast, hosted by Head Brain Frances Barrett. Our mission is to empower you, the business owner, by educating you in the stuff you really need to know to drive more success in your business. We cover everything from niching and becoming visible away from social media marketing, to confidence on camera and how to network effectively. And of course, as a social media marketing agency, we talk a little bit about that too. With new episodes every single week, you can expect to learn something new to drive your business to wherever you want it to go. Find our episodes wherever you listen to your podcasts, and don't forget to hit subscribe for our latest episode. read less


6 Videos Your Business Needs to Convert Sales with Julian Knopf
6 Videos Your Business Needs to Convert Sales with Julian Knopf
Episode 41: 6 Videos Your Business Needs to Convert Sales with Julian Knopf   You’ve heard it a million times: “You need to be on video!”.   And whilst showing up regularly on your socials with behind the scenes content, chatting with your community on stories and sharing helpful “how to” reels may increase your brand awareness and build trust with your audience, there are 6 videos your business needs to ensure you’re converting your followers into customers.   In this episode of The Social Brain Podcast, Head Brain Frances Barrett chats with Julian Knopf, a photographer, videographer and animation expert for businesses about the 6 simple videos every business needs.   Julian talks about the importance of each video including how they can work together to increase sales conversions within your business.   Here’s what we discussed: 🧠 Where to start when it comes to video content for your business  🧠 Cross-posting hacks to get the most out of your content 🧠 The first type of video everyone needs (and why it doesn’t have to be the hardest!) 🧠 Where to share your About Me video to get the most out of it 🧠 The simplest way to always have video content in just 5 seconds a day 🧠 How the second type of video can benefit you ahead of sales calls 🧠 How to stand out online with video replies 🧠 The connection between video types three and four  🧠 What to do if you don’t want to share the price of your offers 🧠 How to make client testimonial videos more interesting for your audience 🧠 How to make it easy for your clients to send you video feedback 🧠 Where’s the best place to put captions in your social media videos?   If you enjoyed this episode, please rate, review, and subscribe to The Social Brain Podcast. Your support helps us reach more people and continue bringing you valuable content.   Visit Julian’s website here and follow him on Instagram here.   CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get one month of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅   Read the full episode transcript here.
Mastering the Mindset Shift from Employee to CEO of Your Own Business with Stacey Keen
Mastering the Mindset Shift from Employee to CEO of Your Own Business with Stacey Keen
Episode 40: Mastering the Mindset Shift from Employee to CEO of Your Own Business with Stacey Keen   How often do you reflect on your career journey?   Have you ever thought about transitioning from being an employee to running your own business?   In this episode of The Social Brain Podcast, Head Brain Frances Barrett chats with Stacey Keen, founder and CEO of Keen to Assist Ltd, about her inspiring journey from being an employee at an American bank to becoming a successful virtual assistant and business owner.   Stacey shares her experiences and insights on the challenges and triumphs of transitioning to self-employment, the importance of setting boundaries and how to maintain a healthy work-life balance as a business owner. Whether you’re considering starting your own business or looking for tips on managing your current one, this episode is packed with valuable advice and personal stories.   Here’s what we discussed: 🧠 The transition from employee to CEO: Stacey's journey 🧠 The importance of setting and maintaining boundaries 🧠 Dealing with the overwhelm of starting a business 🧠 Overcoming imposter syndrome and comparisonitis 🧠 The role of personal development in business success 🧠 Meditation and mindset practices for entrepreneurs 🧠 The value of networking and finding the right groups 🧠 The impact of physical well-being on business performance 🧠 Balancing different aspects of life as a business owner 🧠 The significance of having a supportive tribe and accountability partners   If you enjoyed this episode, please rate, review, and subscribe to The Social Brain Podcast. Your support helps us reach more people and continue bringing you valuable content.   Visit Stacey’s website here and download her freebie here.    CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get one month of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅   Read the full episode transcript here.
P.E. Lessons for Your Mental Health with Claire Rushton-Plant
P.E. Lessons for Your Mental Health with Claire Rushton-Plant
Episode 39: P.E. Lessons for Your Mental Health with Claire Rushton-Plant   Be honest, how often do you check in with your mental health?   Are you giving yourself the breaks you need, or are you constantly hustling without pause?   Have you been prioritising everything else over your mental well-being?   In this episode of The Social Brain Podcast, Head Brain Frances Barrett chats with mindfulness expert Claire Rushton-Plant about prioritising mental health and well-being, especially in our fast-paced society.   Claire teaches mindfulness and mindset techniques through Mini Me Mindfulness, helping children from the age of three upwards to proactively manage their mental health. Together, they discuss the importance of mental health awareness and how small, consistent practices can make a big difference.   Topics we discuss in this episode: 🧠 The surge in mental health awareness and issues post-pandemic 🧠 How mindfulness can serve as a proactive mental health strategy 🧠 The importance of building mental health habits from a young age 🧠 Simple grounding techniques to manage anxiety and stress 🧠 The need for regular 'brain breaks' and true rest periods 🧠 The impact of social media on mental health and how to manage it 🧠 How self-care should be a consistent practice, not an occasional treat 🧠 The value of vision boarding for setting and achieving personal goals 🧠 Practical steps to integrate mindfulness and self-care into daily routines   Join us as we explore how to better manage our mental health and set ourselves up for a more balanced, fulfilling life.   If you enjoyed this episode, please rate, review, and subscribe to The Social Brain Podcast. Your support helps us reach more people and continue bringing you valuable content.   Find Claire on Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook.   CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get one month of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅   Read the full episode transcript here.
Harnessing Your Perimenopause Powers as a Business Owner with Lisa Gimenez-Codd
Harnessing Your Perimenopause Powers as a Business Owner with Lisa Gimenez-Codd
Episode 38: Harnessing Your Perimenopause Powers as a Business Owner with Lisa Gimenez-Codd   What’s the difference between perimenopause and the menopause?   How long does the menopause last?   As a business owner, how can you support yourself during perimenopause?   These are just a few of the questions we answer in this episode of The Social Brain Podcast.   Join Head Brain Frances Barrett as she chats with Women's Health Coach Lisa Gimenez-Codd about navigating perimenopause and menopause, particularly for business owners.   Lisa helps women understand the biological changes during menopause, debunking myths and providing practical advice to manage this transition without burning out.   Topics we discuss in this episode: 🧠 What is perimenopause and how does it differ from menopause? 🧠 The impact of hormonal changes on different parts of the body and brain 🧠 How to recognise early signs of menopause beyond changes in periods 🧠 The role of nutrition, exercise and stress management in supporting long-term health 🧠 The importance of tracking your menstrual cycle to understand your personal normal 🧠 Addressing common misconceptions about menopause and its symptoms 🧠 Practical tips for protecting your business and yourself during this transition 🧠 Creating systems to manage your workload and reduce stress as a business owner 🧠 The benefits of implementing a 'commute' when working from home to separate work and personal life   Lisa's insights are invaluable for any woman navigating this stage of life, particularly those balancing the demands of running a business. Tune in for practical advice and supportive strategies to thrive during perimenopause and beyond.   If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate + review us on iTunes and share it with your business friends who’ll benefit from learning more about perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause.   Find Lisa on Instagram and check out her article: How to Talk to Your Doctor About Perimenopause   CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get one month of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅   Read the full episode transcript here.
Learning to Manage Your Lifestyle as a Busy Business Owner with Ben Herbert
Learning to Manage Your Lifestyle as a Busy Business Owner with Ben Herbert
Episode 37: Learning to Manage Your Lifestyle as a Busy Business Owner with Ben Herbert  The pressures and demands of running a business can often lead to neglecting personal health, resulting in decreased productivity and increased stress.   But when you’re already overworked and overwhelmed, how do you find the time to focus on your health?    In this episode of The Social Brain Podcast, Head Brain Frances Barrett chats with Online Health and Fitness Coach Ben Herbert about the impact of neglecting your health as a business owner and how to turn things around.   Ben helps business owners get into the best shape of their lives, double their energy, and make a significant impact in their professional and personal lives.    Topics we discuss in this episode: 🧠 Ben's journey from burnout to peak health and how it influenced his coaching niche 🧠 The importance of energy management and why business owners need to prioritise their health 🧠 Realistic strategies for setting and maintaining boundaries to ensure consistent self-care 🧠 The interplay between nutrition, sleep and exercise in maintaining optimal energy levels 🧠 Tips for creating a balanced lifestyle that supports both personal well-being and business success 🧠 The role of supplements in fitness and the importance of choosing the right ones 🧠 Ben's approach to structuring a week for success, including managing heavy workload days   Tune in to hear Ben's practical advice and actionable tips on how to transform your health and energy levels, making you a more effective business owner.   If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate + review us on iTunes and share it with your business friends who you know will benefit from these helpful tips.    Connect with Ben on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.   CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get one month of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅   Read the full episode transcript here.
Building A Website: The Important Steps With Deb Harrison
Building A Website: The Important Steps With Deb Harrison
Episode 36: Building A Website: The Important Steps With Deb Harrison   How often do you think about your website?   Are you unsure where to start when it comes to building your own site?   Have you been relying on social media alone to build your business?   In this episode of The Social Brain Podcast, Head Brain Frances Barrett chats with web design expert Deb Harrison, founder of DVH Design. With over 23 years of experience, Deb shares invaluable insights on the fundamentals of building an effective website.   Deb guides listeners through the essential steps, from choosing the perfect domain name to ensuring your site stands out in a crowded digital space. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just starting, this episode is packed with practical advice to help you create a website that works for you.   Topics we discuss in this episode: 🧠 The importance of choosing the right domain name 🧠 Tips for selecting memorable and effective domain names 🧠 Why your website needs to be more than just a template 🧠 The role of web hosting and finding the right provider 🧠 How to structure your website for maximum impact 🧠 The significance of clear, concise copy 🧠 Best practices for incorporating branding elements like fonts, colours, and logos 🧠 The power of a well-placed call to action (CTA) 🧠 The benefits of keeping your website simple and user-friendly 🧠 Tips for using bullet points and headings to enhance readability 🧠 Why space on your webpage is your friend 🧠 Strategies for integrating social media without distracting from your website 🧠 How to avoid outdated SEO tactics like keyword stuffing 🧠 Ensuring your website's design and functionality support your business goals   If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate + review us on iTunes and share it with your business friends who need support with their website.   Connect with Deb on LinkedIn and visit her website here.   CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get one month of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅   Read the full episode transcript here.
How To Protect Your Number One Business Asset with Louise Westra
How To Protect Your Number One Business Asset with Louise Westra
Episode 35: How To Protect Your Number One Business Asset with Louise Westra   Be honest, how often do you check in with your health?   Are you relying on energy drinks, too much caffeine or sugary snacks to get you through the day?   Have you been prioritising your business over your body?   In this episode of The Social Brain Podcast, Head Brain Frances Barrett chats with Health Mentor Louise Westra about our biological bandwidth and protecting your number one business asset (hint: that’s you!).   Louise helps high achieving humans to ensure they aren't draining their biological bandwidth and inadvertently burning out during their journey towards success.   Topics we discuss in this episode: 🧠 What is biological bandwidth and why is it important? 🧠 We all have individual ‘nutrigenomics’ and what that actually means 🧠 Why are we obsessed with ice baths but ignoring biology? 🧠 How understanding our biology helps us be kinder to ourselves  🧠 Where to start when it comes to protecting yourself and your biological bandwidth 🧠 The boundaries you need to implement as a business owner 🧠 The unlearning that needs to happen when it comes to ‘kindness’ 🧠 Recognising the impact sitting down all day can have on our brain function 🧠 Subtle signs you need more time for you 🧠 What happens when Louise skips her gratitude practice for too long    If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate + review us on iTunes and share it with your business friends who need a reminder to prioritise their health.   Follow Louise on Instagram or send her an email   CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get one month of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅   Read the full episode transcript here.
How To Boost Your Business with Pinterest with Lianne Harris
How To Boost Your Business with Pinterest with Lianne Harris
Episode 34: How to Boost Your Business with Pinterest with Lianne Harris   Have you heard of the power of Pinterest but have no idea where to start with it?   Would you love your marketing efforts to last longer than the couple of hours a social media post stays relevant for?   Wish you could continually drive traffic to your website, lead magnets and paid offers without having to spend hours and hours on social media marketing?   You’ll want to listen to this…   In this episode of The Social Brain Podcast, Head Brain Frances Barrett is joined by Lianne Harris, a Pinterest expert who’s here to share her top tips for growing your business using Pinterest.   Lianne is a Pinterest & Facebook Ads expert who helps business owners scale and grow their business through long-term marketing strategies.   Topics we discuss in this episode: 🧠 Why Pinterest isn’t your typical social media platform (it’s not social media at all!) 🧠 The most common ways any business owner can benefit from Pinterest 🧠 The important things you need to focus on when it comes to pinning on Pinterest 🧠 Why followers don’t matter on Pinterest 🧠 Why you need to have a clear niche before pinning 🧠 How often you should post on Pinterest if you’re a time-strapped business owner 🧠 Why you need to prioritise evergreen over trending content 🧠 What you should post: video VS static 🧠 How to get the most out of your content so you’re working smarter, not harder   If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate + review us on iTunes and share it with your business friends who’d be interested in boosting their business with Pinterest.   Follow Lianne on Instagram and visit her website here.   CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get one month of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅   Read the full episode transcript here.
How To Make Time For Your Health As A Busy Business Owner with Ashley Bishop
How To Make Time For Your Health As A Busy Business Owner with Ashley Bishop
Episode 33: How To Make Time For Your Health As A Busy Business Owner with Ashley Bishop   Do you struggle to make time for your health as a busy business owner?   Do you regularly have ‘go to the gym’ on your to do list but fail to actually get there because work takes priority?   Are you looking for healthy habits to add to your daily life that don’t require hours of your time?   In this episode of The Social Brain Podcast, Head Brain Frances Barrett is joined by Ashley Bishop who shares his easy to implement tips to help business owners improve their health.    Ashley Bishop is a Performance Coach for busy business owners who’ve sacrificed their health in their quest to build a successful business.    Topics we discuss in this episode: 🧠 Your greatest business asset and why you need to protect it 🧠 How prioritising your business can negatively impact your health 🧠 Accepting that you are the driving force behind your health  🧠 Why you need to stop putting yourself at the bottom of the priority list 🧠 How to become an expert plate spinner 🧠 Why trying to build momentum is difficult and how to do it for the best long-term results 🧠 Why time management is the key to balancing your health, business and family life 🧠 The reason you need to ditch to do lists and what to replace them with instead 🧠 How just 3 minutes an hour can positively impact your wellbeing    If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate + review us on iTunes and share it with your business friends who’ll benefit from these simple tips to improve their help.   Follow Ashley on Instagram and join his free Facebook group here.   CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get one month of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅   Read the full episode transcript here.
Social Media Addiction: The Boundaries I Set For Myself
Social Media Addiction: The Boundaries I Set For Myself
Episode 32: Social Media Addiction: The Boundaries I Set For Myself   Have you ever checked your phone usage and realised you spend more time on social media than you do anything else?   Have you fallen into the trap of oversharing on Facebook, posting multiple times a day and feeling anxious when you haven’t posted?   Is your social media obsession becoming an addiction that’s getting way too out of control?   You’re not alone.   In this episode of The Social Brain Podcast, Head Brain Frances Barrett reveals the extent of her social media addiction and how working as a social media marketer can make it harder to step away from the socials.    Frances shares the moment that made her question her social media usage and the important boundaries she’s putting in place to help her with her social media addiction.    Topics we discuss in this episode: 🧠 When my social media addiction first started 🧠 How I became an oversharer on Facebook 🧠 How my social media obsession ruined a new relationship 🧠 The moment I realised I needed to get off of Facebook 🧠 The impact social media was having on my relationship with myself 🧠 Social media rules I’ve put in place to protect my mental health 🧠 5 powerful questions I ask myself before I hit publish on a post 🧠 The tools I use within the apps to help me with my social media boundaries    If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate + review us on iTunes and share it with your friends who may need help with their social media addiction.   CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get one month of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅   Read the full episode transcript here.
5 Steps to Changing Your Life When You're Feeling Stuck with Lara Doherty
5 Steps to Changing Your Life When You're Feeling Stuck with Lara Doherty
Episode 31: 5 Steps to Changing Your Life When You’re Feeling Stuck with Lara Doherty Have you ever felt stuck, lost, floundering at sea, or on the hamster wheel of life and don’t know how to get off? What if you could change your life? What would you alter? What would you do differently? And where would you start?! In this episode of The Social Brain Podcast, Head Brain Frances Barrett is joined by Lara Doherty who shares her 5 step plan for changing your life whenever you feel stuck. Lara Doherty is a Mindset & Motivation Coach who helps women struggling to take action become the unstoppable force they know, deep down, they deserve to be. She’s also the author of The Mighty Book of Motivation Magic.   Topics we discuss in this episode: 🧠 How the Miracle Morning transformed Lara’s life 🧠 Why creating a vision board is more than just a pretty picture 🧠 How to stay motivated to achieve your biggest goals 🧠 How to supercharge your life in 5 simple steps 🧠 The importance of self care and a morning routine 🧠 The effects of changing your environment 🧠 Discovering your why and using that to propel you forward 🧠 Breaking your goals into a smaller, manageable plan 🧠 Why it’s ok to ask for help and where you should be asking for support 🧠 How often should you review your vision board? 🧠 The importance of celebrating every little win 🧠 The most effective way to create a vision board   If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate + review us on iTunes and share it with your business friends who need a dose of motivation magic. Follow Lara on Instagram and visit her website here.   CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get 8 weeks of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅   Read the full episode transcript here.
Give Yourself Permission to Run the Business of Your Dreams with Sarah-Jane Adams
Give Yourself Permission to Run the Business of Your Dreams with Sarah-Jane Adams
Episode 30: Give Yourself Permission to Run the Business of Your Dreams with Sarah-Jane Adams   When we start our own businesses, there are lots of “shoulds”. But how do we navigate the shoulds from what actually brings us joy?   In this episode of The Social Brain Podcast, Head Brain Frances Barrett is joined by Sarah-Jane Adams and together, they lift the lid on how to give yourself permission to run the business of your dreams.   Sarah-Jane Adams is a proud mum and owner of 3 businesses. SJ is a Business Consultant and  Co-Owner of Laundry & Latte in Brentwood. Alongside Frances, she also runs Real Business, Real Life, a networking community for parents in business.   Topics we discuss in this episode: 🧠 How do we know what brings us the most joy in business? 🧠 The importance of looking at the bigger picture 🧠 The questions you need to be asking yourself on a regular basis 🧠 It’s ok to look after yourself first, in fact, you need to 🧠 How do I start working on my mindset to ensure I give myself permission to do things my way? 🧠 Why you don’t need to focus on money as a symbol of your success 🧠 How to get a clear picture of what YOU actually want 🧠 It’s ok if things stop working for a little while: these are challenging times 🧠 How to make the most of slow times in your business 🧠 How to give yourself permission to take time off   If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate + review us on iTunes and share it with your business friends who need permission to run their business THEIR way.   Follow Sarah-Jane on Instagram, follow our Real Business, Real Life Instagram account here and grab a copy of her book on Amazon.   CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get 8 weeks of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅     Read the full episode transcript here.
How to Be Confident Everyday with Rebecca Hawkes
How to Be Confident Everyday with Rebecca Hawkes
Episode 29: How to Be Confident Everyday with Rebecca Hawkes Is it possible to be confident everyday? Can you feel confident all the time? What’s the quickest way to feel confident in yourself? In this episode of The Social Brain Podcast, Head Brain Frances Barrett chats with Rebecca Hawkes about all things confidence including how to feel confident in just 90 seconds. Rebecca Hawkes is a Confidence Coach, podcaster + content creator on a mission to help people around the world create unwavering self confidence and overcome the fears holding them back from the life they deserve.    Topics we discuss in this episode: 🧠 The moment Rebecca realised she *had* to change her life 🧠 The difference between fake confidence and real confidence that sticks around daily 🧠 Why Rebecca believes you can be confident every single day 🧠 Why people feel like daily confidence is just a myth 🧠 How to shift into feelings of confidence, FAST 🧠 The quickest way to change how you feel about yourself 🧠 Rebecca’s favourite affirmation for confidence 🧠 What to do when you notice negative thoughts appearing 🧠 The 3 layers of confidence you need to master in order to be confident everyday 🧠 Why you don’t need an exhausting morning routine to feel confident in yourself   If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate + review us on iTunes and share it with your business friends who want to boost their confidence.   Follow Rebecca on Instagram, download The Confidence Kit for free here* and check out The Confidence Course  here.*   Links marked with a * are affiliate links. This won't cost you a penny but if you sign up via these links, I may receive commission.   CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get 8 weeks of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅   Read the full episode transcript here.
The Power of Self Care: Nurturing Yourself Without Guilt with Steph Grainger
The Power of Self Care: Nurturing Yourself Without Guilt with Steph Grainger
The Power of Self Care: Nurturing Yourself Without Guilt with Steph Grainger In today's fast-paced world, where everyone seems to be constantly juggling multiple responsibilities and obligations, taking care of ourselves often takes a backseat. Society has ingrained in us the belief that focusing on our own well-being is a selfish act, something that should be done only when all other tasks are completed. However, this notion couldn't be further from the truth. Self-care is not a selfish act but rather an essential practice that enables us to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. In this episode of The Social Brain Podcast, Head Brain Frances Barrett chats with Steph Grainger  about the transformative power of self-care and debunks the myth that it is a selfish indulgence. Steph Grainger is a Therapeutic Mentor for Women.  She helps her clients to remove the layers that life has imposed on them so they can move forward with clarity and alignment with how they want to live their life, as opposed to how they've been told to live their life.   Topics we discuss in this episode: 🧠 The most common reason women don’t practice self care regularly 🧠 The first step to redefining what self care means to you 🧠 Why self care is *so* important 🧠 The mantra you need to start living your life by 🧠 The simplest way to get started with self care 🧠 Exactly what to do once you’ve increased your self awareness 🧠 What it *actually* means when you lose your temper over your partner not putting their plate in the dishwasher! 🧠 The importance of boundaries + why it’s ok to put them in place 🧠 How much self care should you really be doing?   If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate + review us on iTunes and share it with your business friends who’d benefit from more time spent on self care.   Follow Steph on Instagram and visit her website here.   CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get 8 weeks of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅   Read the full episode transcript here.
"How do you come up with never-ending content ideas for Instagram?"
"How do you come up with never-ending content ideas for Instagram?"
"How do you come up with never-ending content ideas for Instagram?" Do you ever feel like you’re running out of content? Do you struggle to come up with content ideas that pack a punch with your audience? In this solo episode of The Social Brain Podcast, Head Brain Frances Barrett shares her top tips for never-ending Instagram content that lands!   Tune in to learn: 🧠 The best place to find content inspiration 🧠 How to use hashtags to come up with content ideas 🧠 Why AI tools will never replace you fully 🧠 The most obvious place to find content ideas that most people ignore 🧠 How long to leave it before you repost the same posts 🧠 How you can repurpose the same content into different formats 🧠 The 5 different questions to ask yourself when it comes to creating content 🧠 The one thing you MUST do with your content 🧠 How to effectively use national days to create content 🧠 What to do if you don’t want to create your own content 🧠 How to take the summer holidays off and STILL be consistent with content   If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate + review us on iTunes and share it with your business friends who’d love benefit from learning these content hacks.   CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get 8 weeks of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅   Read the full episode transcript here
InstaBrains LIVE: Everything You Need to Know
InstaBrains LIVE: Everything You Need to Know
🧠 SNAP UP YOUR TICKET FOR INSTABRAINS LIVE HERE: Happening on 5th & 6th June 🧠   Unsure if InstaBrains is right for you? In this solo episode of The Social Brain Podcast, Head Brain Frances Barrett answers all your burning questions about the second round of InstaBrains LIVE.   Tune in to hear the answers to each of these questions: 🧠 What is InstaBrains Live? 🧠 Where is the InstaBrains Live event happening? 🧠 Who is InstaBrains Live for? 🧠 What will I learn at InstaBrains Live? 🧠 What happens if I can’t attend live? 🧠 Will there be an online version of InstaBrains live? 🧠 Is InstaBrains Live for beginners too? 🧠 How can I trust you and what you’re teaching at InstaBrains Live? 🧠 Is InstaBrains Live right for me?   If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate + review us on iTunes and share it with your business friends who’d love support in creating a rock solid, sales generating Instagram strategy.   🧠 SNAP UP YOUR TICKET FOR INSTABRAINS LIVE HERE 🧠   CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get 8 weeks of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅   Read the full episode transcript here.
Essential Etiquette Tips for You & Your Business with Laura Akano
Essential Etiquette Tips for You & Your Business with Laura Akano
* SNAP UP YOUR TICKET FOR INSTABRAINS LIVE HERE *   Essential Etiquette Tips for You & Your Business with Laura Akano   Are you showing up as your best in business? Is your business giving off the right impression to potential customers? What first impression are you giving to people as a business owner?   In this episode of The Social Brain Podcast, Head Brain Frances Barrett chats with Laura Akano about the essential etiquette tips you need to follow to ensure you’re giving the right impression as a business owner.   Laura Akano is an Etiquette & Social Skills Coach who believes that knowing how to conduct yourself as a business owner can make a BIG difference to the success of your business. Laura helps a wide range of clients from children to teenagers to adults to improve their etiquette and social skills so they have an advantage over their peers.   Topics we discuss in this episode: 🧠 Why etiquette is so important  🧠 Why etiquette lessons aren’t reserved for royalty 🧠 Laura’s top etiquette tips for business owners 🧠 The first impressions you’re giving to potential customers when they meet you 🧠 How to hold yourself during a conversation 🧠 The right way to greet someone with a handshake 🧠 How to feel confident when you’re in a networking situation 🧠 What you need to prepare before any events 🧠 Why (and how!) you need to make the compliment about them, not you 🧠 What to do if you don’t want to shake hands post pandemic 🧠 Using the correct language when it comes to your business 🧠    If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate + review us on iTunes and share it with your business friends who’d love to learn these essential etiquette tips.   Follow Laura on Instagram, Facebook and visit her website here.   CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get 8 weeks of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅   Read the full episode transcript here.
The FlexiFamily: Balancing Work & Parental Rights in 2023 with Natalie Ellis
The FlexiFamily: Balancing Work & Parental Rights in 2023 with Natalie Ellis
The FlexiFamily: Balancing Work & Parental Rights in 2023 with Natalie Ellis   Flexible working is becoming “the norm” in today’s world. But what are your rights as a parent when it comes to flexible working? And how are businesses supporting their employees?   In this episode of The Social Brain Podcast, Head Brain Frances Barrett chats with Natalie Ellis about the potential changes to flexible working rules and the rights parents have in 2023 when it comes to flexible working.   Natalie Ellis, founder of Rebox HR, is a highly respected and accomplished HR Practitioner who is passionate about all things HR. Natalie is an expert in the provision of full end to end HR support, the employment lifecycle, conflict management, line management training and employment law advice to establish the right solution for her clients and protect their business.   Topics we discuss in this episode: 🧠 Why flexi-working is more popular than ever 🧠 The astronomical childcare costs that are impacting parents across the country 🧠 Do I work just to cover the costs of childcare or should I just stop working? 🧠 What rights do I have as a parent when it comes to flexible working? 🧠 Why it’s ok to be open and honest with your employer about your situation 🧠 Why would employers say no to potential flexi-working changes? 🧠 Why Natalie believes in trusting your employees to get the job done 🧠 Salary alone isn’t attractive enough for potential employees nowadays   If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate + review us on iTunes and share it with your business friends who would benefit from learning more about flexible working and parental rights in 2023.   Follow Natalie on Instagram and visit her website here.   * SNAP UP YOUR TICKET FOR INSTABRAINS LIVE HERE *   CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get 8 weeks of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅   Read the full episode transcript here.
Social Media Strategy, Content Strategy, Marketing Strategy - What’s the Difference?!
Social Media Strategy, Content Strategy, Marketing Strategy - What’s the Difference?!
Social Media Strategy, Content Strategy, Marketing Strategy - What’s the Difference?!   Strategy can be SUCH a buzzword! And it can also be super intimidating for business owners. What is a strategy? Do you *really* need a social media strategy, marketing strategy AND a content strategy?! How do you create a good social media strategy that converts into sales?   These are just some of the questions Head Brain Frances Barrett is sharing in this solo episode of The Social Brain Podcast.    Oh and make sure you listen all the way to the end as we have something very, VERY exciting to share with you 😍   Topics we cover for you in this episode: 🧠 What does the word ‘strategy’ actually mean? 🧠 The 7 steps of a social media strategy to get you more sales are…… 🧠 How can understanding your audience help with your overall marketing strategy? 🧠 The 3 important types of strategy you need to create within your marketing strategy 🧠 What’s the difference between a content strategy and a social media marketing strategy? 🧠 What’s an engagement strategy? 🧠 Optimization strategy - what on earth is that?! 🧠 Understanding the intention behind the content you’re posting 🧠 There are only 4 types of content intention and they are……. 🧠 The easy peasy way to create a killer content strategy   If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate + review us on iTunes and share it with your business friends who need all the strategy support they can get.   ➡️ SNAP UP YOUR TICKET FOR INSTABRAINS LIVE HERE ⬅️   CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get 8 weeks of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅   Read the full epsiode transcript here.
Goal Setting for Big Dreamers with Lottie Reeves
Goal Setting for Big Dreamers with Lottie Reeves
Goal Setting for Big Dreamers with Lottie Reeves   Do you have big dreams for your business?   Are you like our host Frances and LOVE to set yourself goals?   Or do you dread goal setting?   Whether you’re in the love camp already or avoid it like the plague, after listening to this conversation you’ll be sure to look at goal setting differently.   In this episode of The Social Brain Podcast, Head Brain Frances Barrett chats with Lottie Reeves about setting business goals and breaking them down into easy tasks, so that you can have the life that you dream of.   Lottie Reeves is an antenatal educator, owner of a glamping business, author of The Little Book of Love Notes, founder of This Mama Rises AND mum of two. As an antenatal educator, Lottie supports mums with educational classes, and postnatal mental health & wellbeing sessions. She also runs 1:1 game plan sessions to help you set goals that’ll see you achieve your biggest dreams.    Questions we answer for you in this episode: 🧠 Why goal setting doesn't have to be scary (or boring!) 🧠 How do you stay focused on yourself when you see other people achieving what you want? 🧠 Is setting SMART goals still relevant or are things changing now? 🧠 If someone wanted to make a million pounds in a month, what structure would you use to help that person? 🧠 Why your business needs to be set up in a way that supports your big dreams 🧠 How do you break down your BIG goals so they don’t feel overwhelming? 🧠 Why you only need to set yourself 9 goals a month to move closer to your dreams 🧠 What do you do if you haven’t met your goals? 🧠 Why you need to stop worrying about how others organise their day 🧠 How often should you review your goals to make sure you’re on track? 🧠 How do you break down your monthly goals into weekly tasks?   If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate + review us on iTunes and share it with your big dreaming business friends who need help setting goals.   Follow Lottie on Instagram, visit her website and check out This Mama Rises here.   CONNECT WITH THE SOCIAL BRAIN Follow The Social Brain on Instagram 📲 Maximise your time + learn how to create 8-12 weeks of content in a DAY 🤳🏼 Learn the 7 steps of creating a social media marketing strategy 📹 Grow your business + make more sales with the Sales Strategy Planner 📈 Find out more about self paced InstaBrains course 🧠 Get 8 weeks of content created FOR YOU in just 1 day! ✅   Read the full episode transcript here.