How To Boost Your Business with Pinterest with Lianne Harris

The Social Brain Podcast

05-06-2024 • 27 mins

Episode 34: How to Boost Your Business with Pinterest with Lianne Harris

Have you heard of the power of Pinterest but have no idea where to start with it?

Would you love your marketing efforts to last longer than the couple of hours a social media post stays relevant for?

Wish you could continually drive traffic to your website, lead magnets and paid offers without having to spend hours and hours on social media marketing?

You’ll want to listen to this…

In this episode of The Social Brain Podcast, Head Brain Frances Barrett is joined by Lianne Harris, a Pinterest expert who’s here to share her top tips for growing your business using Pinterest.

Lianne is a Pinterest & Facebook Ads expert who helps business owners scale and grow their business through long-term marketing strategies.

Topics we discuss in this episode:

🧠 Why Pinterest isn’t your typical social media platform (it’s not social media at all!)

🧠 The most common ways any business owner can benefit from Pinterest

🧠 The important things you need to focus on when it comes to pinning on Pinterest

🧠 Why followers don’t matter on Pinterest

🧠 Why you need to have a clear niche before pinning

🧠 How often you should post on Pinterest if you’re a time-strapped business owner

🧠 Why you need to prioritise evergreen over trending content

🧠 What you should post: video VS static

🧠 How to get the most out of your content so you’re working smarter, not harder

If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate + review us on iTunes and share it with your business friends who’d be interested in boosting their business with Pinterest.

Follow Lianne on Instagram and visit her website here.


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Read the full episode transcript here.