The climate cost of war

GLF Live

21-03-2023 • 52 mins

War and conflict can have farther-reaching and longer-lasting impacts on our planet than meets the eye. Aside from the destruction of landscapes and human livelihoods, other less apparent costs include military pollution, the curtailing of beneficial programs and projects, mass displacement of humans, and major shifts in economic and social priorities once turmoil subsides. War can cost countries over 40% of their GDP – funds that could have otherwise been invested in protecting the environment or pulling citizens out of poverty.

In this episode, first aired in April 2022, we speak with Ukrainian deputy minister of environmental protection and natural resources Iryna Stavchuk and conflict and peacebuilding expert Moosa Elayah to examine what’s happening in different conflict areas – and the toll these conflicts are taking on our planet.

Listen back to episode 1 to learn how the ongoing war in Ukraine is affecting global food security.

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